63yo Man Bodyslams and Disarms Armed Robber - video

I'm glad it worked out for him, but I think it was a stupid thing to do. It's not his bank or his money. The perp could have easily started shooting from the surprise attack and killed a teller or anyone else in that bank. Just because it worked out the way it did doesn't mean it was a smart thing to do.
I didn't see any information about the background of the 63 year old man. That may have been a trained or conditioned response as a result of his personal history. We talk about the "fight or flight" response that is supposedly built in to our systems, perhaps his immediate reaction was the "fight" mode. He may have seen the presence of a gun as a more immediate danger that had to be dealt with immediately and he was in the position to do so. Job well done, I'd like to shake his hand.
I'm glad it worked out for him, but I think it was a stupid thing to do. It's not his bank or his money. The perp could have easily started shooting from the surprise attack and killed a teller or anyone else in that bank. Just because it worked out the way it did doesn't mean it was a smart thing to do

It could of also saved his life or the lives of others. We will never know though.

I wonder what would have happened had the good Samaritan had been armed?

We don't know. He could of saved the day or been shot in the process.

That may have been a trained or conditioned response as a result of his personal history.

It was hard to see because of the angle but it looked like a pretty standard takedown. That area is a heavy wrestling area so I wouldnt be surprised if he wrestled in his day, had kids that wrestled, etc.
"...Old men rock..." Ahem. 63 isn't old. Gettin' there though. And I keep tellin' ya'll not to mess with us big kids. We have nothing to lose. snicker.
Suspect that guy was a retired flat foot. That looked like a copper trained take down.
Tackling is a fairly common manner by which armed folks are rendered harmless or ineffectual. I actually have an active google alert and notifies me of such events as they are reported in the press/internet. This came after a discussion here, years ago, about tackling of active shooters (mass type shootings, shootings during robberies, etc.). https://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=436861&highlight=tackling

He got lucky? Hmmm, it is amazing how many folks "get lucky" doing this, almost like it is a tactic that works very well and is taught in various defensive schools. You can't be a moron about doing it, just like you can't be a moron about drawing your gun during such an event.

Guns are nice, but not everybody carries a gun and the vast majority of gun owners and people licensed to carry or who live in permitless carry states bother to carry or operate in circumstances where they can carry. That is a reality we face today.
Not old

63 ain't old, if you are a tree....

Kidding of course as I am getting close to that age. I'm in good shape but do not tackle bad guys.
Not my bank, not my money. I will be a good witness unless it's a direct threat to me or a "loved one" if that happens it's game on.

I do admire those that do. I don't have the training nor the experience. Oftimes things are not as they first appear.
What if the bad guy had an accomplice?
Hmmm, I have to wonder about folks present during an armed robbery who don't feel like their lives are being jeopardized.

Makes one wonder. I have worked on more than one robbery turned hostage situation. We had a merry band running around Ft Worth, TX in the mid 80's executing witnesses.
Don't you think you have to consider:

1. Do you fight for someone else's property? Why?
2. Do you fight for your property? Why?
3. Do you fight if you think that is the best option for preventing grievous bodily harm to others? Why?
4. Do you fight to prevent grievous bodily harm to you and your loved ones?

Does ideology, making the world a better place, so you won't feel wussy later, are the others' property or lives worth risking your life?

I couldn't live with myself if I ....

a. didn't do something.
b. were dead.
Once the gun is introduced into such a situation by a bad guy, the issue of "other people's property" is not longer relevant in my playbook, not even a consideration. It all becomes an issue of dealing with the threat...not why the threat is there.