629 - witch one?


New member
Hi, folks.

I'll buy .44 magnum, but don't know witch one to by. It has to be a Smith (can get it direcly from an importer so I'l get a good price).
The gun will be ussed in a role of a hiking gun - it's a bear country here, and for range work.
Hunting wise it'll be ussed just for coupe de grasse because aktive hunting with handgus ain't allowed here.
I really don't like to pack a lot of weight and size but I'm a sissy on topic of recoil, muzzle blast... but I reload so I can gradualy biult up the pressure.

Help is needed most desperatly , but I know I'm in good hands.

Looking forward to reading you.

Best accomplished using M629 PowerPort (w/6.5" barrel).

If that's TOO BIG try the full-lug 5" M629 Classic.
Greeting's Folk's,

I agree with WE SHOOT 2; my choice is the S&W
model 629 Classic with a 5" full lug barrel.
Mine is a sweet shooter, and the action is slick
as glass.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Jup, 4" blue is a handsome gun - one of the niceist, but can get only 629 model.
My original idea was 4" 629 or 5" Classic, so please keep up the good work
Buy "the used one" that is not putting money into the pockets of the company that would sell our rights down the toilet. No deal is so good that it is worth compromising our rights.
That said, the Mountain Gun, widely available used, is an excellent choice for a hiking/back packing gun.
629 4" 240gr 1000 fps - how managable is the recoil and blast - can I cope through 6 - 10 rounds or can I enticipate rist injury?

I never shot .44 mag under 50 oz.
240 grn 1000 fps 4" barrel

I have a 629 4" barrel, and some 240 grn. ammunition which chronographs at about 1000 fps (the vendor claims 1200 fps but I imagine it does that with a longer barrel). The problem is not recoil and blast, but wear and tear on the web of my hand. But that is a problem with the way the grips fit on the gun (I bought it used). So, no wrist problems for me.

It is good that you separate recoil from blast, since they are separate issues. Muzzle flash and blast can be dealt with easily with good eye and ear protection, at least at the range.

I have a newly acquired 629-5 Mountain Backpacker (If you haven't read my posts yet, please do), that I am extremely pleased with.

3" barrel, round grip-frame, and think it will carry very well - at least I hope so - I haven't gotten my PWL holster yet!

Good luck with your decision.

...recoil control is more important than weight, then I'd nominate the 5" full-underlug DX. If vice versa, the 4" Mountain Gun gets the nod.
If you've shot magnums before that won't bother you at all...with either one...What a nice thing to be lookin' for...gotta' love 'em...
5" Classic. Near perfect compromise - short enough to carry comfortably, long enough to shoot accurately, heavy enough to tame recoil. -- Kernel