629 V-Comp vs. 629 5in classic


New member
I am going to buy a 44 magnum very soon. I live in Maryland
and want to buy it before the stupid law required the gun to
have a mechinal lock built into the gun starting Jan 1, 2003.
My question is which one to get the 629 V-Comp or the 629 5in classic.
I am not worried about price, I know the PC model is higher.
It would be used to carry on hikes and camping trips.
I need some input guys.


Start stocking up on your handguns now, because I am sure Maryland will pass more "stupid" laws. No, I don't live there, I just follow politics a lot and know that your Governor is a certified idiot.

Every company is falling in line and complying with Maryland, Massachusetts and California gun law. Guess you and others that feel somehow betrayed by all this are out of the gun loop per say. And if you have your way, all the manufactures will soon fall one by one and the Anti's will have their way. All thanks to people like yourself. People of Maryland (and other states) betrayed themselves by allowing this to happen. That's it. Besides which, Smith & Wesson has been sold to a new US owner. Give them a break till it is know first hand what exactly their intentions are and the direction which their company is going to go. At least that is the gentlemanly way to react.

Robert, is is exactly people like me that through our actions and the boycott have prevented all of the companies from following in S&W,s footsteps.
Safe T Hammer has already stated that they will not rescend the agreement and are trying to blow smoke up our collective butts by saying it is dropped but will remain "on the books". That is not dropped. Safe T Hammer also lobbied congress for manditory trigger locks on all guns to promote their own product. There is nothing left to wait and see about. They have proven themselves to be enemies of the RKBA.
I submit that you and the other whom are the minority in supporting S&W are the ones out of the loop. The loop is the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Smith & Wesson, Safe T Hammer et. al. are very dangerous to that.
If you have not already read the agreement please do so and ask yourself if you would like to see that implimented by all gun companies in all states. I don't and there for will not spend my money on Smiths nor remain silent when I see someone else thinking about doing it.

I think that the SW 5" Classic would be a better all around gun. I would look at getting one of Smith and Wesson's excellent Titanium or Scandium revolver before the cut off date as well.

I can fully understand how you see things and I very much respect that. And I do sincerely mean it! But the unfortunate truth is that the "Agreement" is the new standard in which the industry is going to do business. Look around, it's already happening. Tomkins has forever changed the RKBA landscape in America and all we can do is draw a new line in the sand (one that we all can agree on). Put our spurs on and hold on.

Robert, we have always agreed both here on the board as well as in our various Email exchanges. However, I must say that all of the terms of the agreement are not the new standard for all of the manufactures.
For the sake of simplication I have started a new topic regardin the matter with the full agreement with the worse areas high lighted and some of my own commentary regarding some of those portions here: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=69341
Go look at it, read it and tell me that all of the manufactures are going along with it. You may also want to read the part about how once seven manufactures sign it will become law. The only reason that others have not signed is because of the boycott.

Another vote for the 5" Classic. A V-Comp is a great range gun but because the way the comp directs noise back to the shooter even one shot without hear protection can permanently damage your hearing.... and who wants to camp and hike while constantly wearing ear plugs? Granted, any .44 will make your ears rings but with a standard barrel a couple of shots in the field without plugs a few times a year is gonna be okay. Comp'ed guns are in a whole other league, just one shot without plugs and you may be hearing that ring forever. -- Kernel
I'm with Gunslinger re the boycott.

Iffen twer my decision to make, I would look for a 29 classic. Any 29 is going to be pre-sellout and a wonderful gun.

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Kernel, the vcomped 44 noise isn't really a big difference (we are talking less difference that you will get from different 44 factory ammos). But if you feel it is, the gun includes the non-comped front also.
