617: ten shot or six shot?


New member
Do you prefer the ten shot of six shot version of the Model 617? Would be interested to know why you prefer one over the other. I have heard the ten shooters may have timing problems and that trying to extract 6 spent cases from a .22 revolver is sometimes difficult and that ten would make it just that much more of a pain. Thanks. Fleiger
I Have Had None Of The Problems You Mention, And Furthermore

My M617 4" was decidedly more accurate when I converted it from the six shot cylinder to the ten shot cylinder.
I've heard of some 10 shot 617's with timing issues but have not seen it in the several samples I've inspected. I have a 6" 617 10 shot and a 4" 617 6 shot. I personally preffer the 6 shot but for no measurable reason. ( I own ALLOT of 6 shot revolvers.) No issues with hard extraction from either but a few of my older mod 17's have shown it. This can usually be helped with some light polishing of the chambers.
I prefer the 6 shot. It is a natural and traditional format for a revolver. I have had both (since sold) and they were quite good fun-but if you are going to shoot .22, and not worry about saving the cases you might as well have an autoloader (I have a Browning Medalist). Another thing, you can get 6 round speedloaders but not,as far as I know 10 round.
If you are used to the 6 round configuration then getting a 10 will only complicate matters - you'll have 4 rounds left when it should be empty.
I have a 6" 10-shot 617 that has performed flawlessly.
The only thing I don't like about it is that little key hole on the left side.