60 minutes


New member
Just saw an interveiw with Heston on Pravda's 60 minutes.

I learned that anyone that fears the direction the Federal Government is heading is a wacko because Tim McVay feared the same thing.
I guess one of big lies being disseminated through the dept of information(Big Media)is that fearing or questioning the Federal Government is mental illness.

We're all sick! Help us beloved Big Brother!

Again, We can't count on the media to tell the truth or the sheep to lift a finger in the defense of freedom.

Anyone else doing the Gunowner dollar thing? Am I solo on this?
Every night I make it a point to flip through the broadcast stations just to see what new anti-gun stories will be on. So far its been a steady 3 to 4 items a week. Its gotten to the point that it's pretty funny to see whats next. Then I stop and think and its not funny anymore.
Yeah, Mike Wallace is an idiot for asking that question "Mr. Heston, Tim McVeigh had the same fear of the federal government as you...." All in all, however, I came away from the story with a good feeling, as it portrayed my president in a mostly good light, with the celebrities honoring him at that banquet and all.

Yesterday, even CBS (alas!) had a pretty anti-gun tilt, with the reporter ending a story on internet gun sales with the quip (which was not lableled as editorial, mind you) - paraphrasing: "The government finds themselves fighting 21st century crime [internet sales] with 20th century laws" - huh?!? Obviously the implication is that new, modern, 21st century laws are needed - opinion, not reporting - what an idiot. What is actually going on, of course, is that, regardless of WHERE or HOW the illegal gun sale is made, whether internet or gangbangers on the street, the situation we have is "late 20th century Clinton-style investigation/enforcement (i.e. pathetic enforcement) of 20th and 21st century crimes". Get off your asses, Clinton and Reno, and STOP the illegal internet sales.
Futo, they are trying to do just that. Go to Thomas and look at the bills against guns. One is in a committee as we speak to ban all sales of guns and ammo on the internet! We need to keep a close eye on this one.