Just saw an interveiw with Heston on Pravda's 60 minutes.
I learned that anyone that fears the direction the Federal Government is heading is a wacko because Tim McVay feared the same thing.
I guess one of big lies being disseminated through the dept of information(Big Media)is that fearing or questioning the Federal Government is mental illness.
We're all sick! Help us beloved Big Brother!
Again, We can't count on the media to tell the truth or the sheep to lift a finger in the defense of freedom.
Anyone else doing the Gunowner dollar thing? Am I solo on this?
I learned that anyone that fears the direction the Federal Government is heading is a wacko because Tim McVay feared the same thing.
I guess one of big lies being disseminated through the dept of information(Big Media)is that fearing or questioning the Federal Government is mental illness.
We're all sick! Help us beloved Big Brother!
Again, We can't count on the media to tell the truth or the sheep to lift a finger in the defense of freedom.
Anyone else doing the Gunowner dollar thing? Am I solo on this?