60 Minutes Story re Chicago lawsuit

Exiled And Addicted

Retired Screen Name
Last night; Mike Wallace covered it; horribly one-sided (ant-gun, go figure), IMO.

What Mayor Daly Dunce needs to realize is that IF the suburban guns stores in question did what is alleged (selling guns with KNOWLEDGE of intended illegal use or KNOWLEDGE of intended illegal tranfer), then that is ALREADY a federal crime which carries a stiff criminal penalty and carries FFL revocation.

The Dunce's answer to why, then, try to hold the manufacturers liable? was so weak it's pathetic: He said, in essence, it was the gun manufacurer's responsibility to police the gun dealers for violations like that (nevermind that there is a huge federal beauracracy whose job is already precisely that - BATF).

What an idiot; at least Monkey Mike called him on one thing; He basically got the Mayor to admit that he wants to see the gun manufacturers out of business at all costs, for any excuse, legal or otherwise, just like those out to squash the tobacco companies at all costs. Of course, we have known this all along; that the anti's goal is not reasonable enforcement of existing law, but to put gun makers out of business.
Does anyone care to wager a bet as to how long "Mayor Dunce" remains in office?
Not very long I'd say.

Justice for one,Justice for all.
I just followed the link from the 'other' thread, and read some of the particulars of Chicago's suit...
I might be wrong, but it sounds like they're trying to say that the manufacturers are responsible for the BATF not doing it's job!
What Silliness!
IMHO, the dealers may well be liable, but it's kind of a strectch to say that the manufacturers are liable, as well. What about suing the BATF for not regulating transactions made by unscrupulous dealers? Or for not prosecuting them for such deeds? What do y'all think?
That is exaclty what they are trying to say, FM. They are insinuating that manufacturers should limit their sales to certain "irresponsible" dealer. Sounds to me that those dealers are violating the law and should be dealt with by the ATF.