60 Minutes and CCW


New member
I caught a glimpse of an article on 60 Minutes today. It was about CCW and how it should be tougher to get licenses. They sure tried to muster up something bad to say, but didn't have much. CCW has just been too successful over the last 8 years.

They had some Police dork on who was their "anti" for the day (I forget his credentials, but he was some kind of LEO person named Wagner, one of the few anti-gun LEO's that the anti-s love to exploit). He said genius things like "I don't think armed victims are any concern to criminals, criminals don't care if people are armed or not" and "criminals will pull their gun first anyway, so you could never got your gun in time" (as if all crimes involve guns anyway). Yeah, that guy was a genius. So when dealing with a criminal the alternative to resistance is.....what? Since the BG's have the advantage, we should just walk around unarmed and hope they don't pick us, like some kind of lottery game with our life?

One of his quotes was "as a trained Police Officer (*ahem*, trained?) if someone put a gun to the back of my head, even if I tried to pull my exposed sidearm, I would be a fool, and that is what happens a lot of times (with CCW people trying to resist and dying). Excuse me? It happens "a lot of the time"? Please show us some examples since this happens so very often.

They interviewed a woman as their "pro-gun" person. Tried to nail her down with "what about people getting mad in traffic and shooting each other or untrained people (that was their big hype) using the gun at the wrong time"? The woman countered: "In eight years of CCW we have never had any such incident....in over a quarter of a million licenses, less than two dozen have been revoked for unlawful use of a firearm."

They used Florida as the model. They showed that Florida has no shooting qualification to get a permit, which is unusual to me. They argue that people should have to shoot adaquatly to get their license. I agree with people getting plenty of training, and I think that the better people are trained, the better CCW holders will look in the future. The last thing we need is some untrained people screwing it up for all of us.

But, the funny thing is how they really tried to make CCW sound bad but they just couldn't pull it off because there isn't anything "bad" to say about it. They said "The goal of CCW is to reduce crime, but in Florida, while crime has not risen since CCW was instated, it has not fallen by much either." Hasn't fallen "by much"?!? Exactly how much is enough? Isn't "one life worth it"? How much does crime have to fall to make something is a "worthwhile" anti-crime measure? Then they followed with "Florida still has some of the highest crime rates in the country" as if that is related since the crime rates were HIGHER before CCW started several years ago and have dropped since. Obviously they were grabbing at straws there.

The chick that did the story was very proud that she had never fired a gun in her life (sounds like the wrong reporter to choose do a gun story: talk about unknowledgeable on the topic), and she said she did not renew her license, so she is no longer a CCW holder (I had to wonder how often you have to renew in Florida, because the story would have to be very old for her license to already expire. My guess is she was flat out lying in order to sound PC, but I could be wrong). She seems to be very proud of her anti-gun status and was not too bright to advertise it because it shows her bias and it made me wonder whether they should find someone with knowledge on the topic to do the story instead.. And her proud anti-gun stance shows anyone stalking her that she is unarmed.

There is a female newscaster in Phoenix AZ who is a proud gun carrier. Her name is Gineane (sp?) Ford and I have met her. She even proudly pulled her .357 out of her purse during a newscast to show it to the camera once during a gun related story. I think she was wisely saying "anyone out there that is thinking of stalking me, think twice".

What would be totally amazing is if 60 Minutes or someone would ever do a POSITIVE story on CCW. There is SO MUCH out there to cover that they could put together a fantastic story about the success of CCW. They could show stats and examples of successes with interviews of people who defended themselves or assisted Police in a situation. The story is out there and could make a great show full of heroism and feel-good teary-eyed survivor stories. How come they refuse to cover it? (No need to answer that)

This piece by Leslie Stahl is an old one. They aired it a few years ago and obviously drug it up to further their BS agenda. I bet they didn't show any further report of how crime has gone down in Florida since the piece first aired.


My wife was telling me about that story last night. In Florida our permits were good for three years, but last year they extended the permits to be valid for 5 years. $65 is the renewal fee. Not too bad.
I wish I could have seen that story.
Yes it was Leslie Stahl who did the piece for 60 minutes, and Thaddeus, the pro-gun woman that was interviewed was none other than Marian Hammer (former president of the NRA). What was really amazing is that Leslie supposedly got her CCW while doing this piece. The only problem is, she lives in New York City. When they showed her new CCW card on film, it had her New York address on it. C'mon, this even came after they showed a map of the U.S. and the states that have CCW. Were we supposed to believe she took her CCW course in Florida and received a New York CCW permit?

I laughed too, at the Chief of Police from some hick town in Florida that represented the "anti-gun" position. That didn't bother me. But what did was, they didn't bother finding a "pro-gun" Chief of Police to discuss the the positive sides to this issue. Instead, they made it appear that the gun toting women were nut cases and the the police had to deal with them as potentially volitile wild west shootresses.

I did like the fact that they showed mostly women shooting, packing, and taking the CCW course. They also said that women are the ones pushing for CCW in many states. This certainly violates the anti-gun crowd's claim that guns have something to do with machismo, male egos, or Bubba-ism.

Marian Hammer was asked whether she thought it necessary for people who applied for CCW permits to have passed some pre-determined firearms training before a card could be issued. She said, "No, I don't want some bureaucrat to decide what is enough training or whether someone doesn't shoot well enough to get a permit".

I agree...but I would have preferred this former president of the National Rifle Association to say, "We don't need to apply for a permit to excercise a right that is already GUARANTEED by the Bill of Rights!"
You'll never see a pro-gun or even a neutral report on the major networks.
You always have to keep in mind what they aren't saying:
Stahl's lead in (film and audio of her getting the CCW)...the official says "Congratulations, you passed with flying colors"...Stahl's voiceover" "I never shot a gun in my life and I still don't know anything about guns even though I now have a concealed weapon permit. I got it after 2hrs , one weekday evening....at the Police Academy they are there for 18 weeks before they handle weapons"...
The omissions are obvious:
1) She isn't being trained to be a cop
2)She won't have LE authority
3) The Police Academy is a lot more than learning about guns...in fact, isn't the first 6+ weeks of the PA essentially boot camp?
4) You get out of any lessons or training what you want..i.e. if you choose not to learn, you won't. How many kids get high school diplomas and can barely spell "cat"?

There is no such critter as objective reporting anymore...can you say "exploding Chevy pick-ups,tainted meat at groceries, film of international drug rings"?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I saw the segment in question. leslie Stalh is full of more crap than a Christmas goose. She lost what little credibility she had with that one.
Political correctness, honest politician, and truthfull reporting are all oxymorons in my opinion.
Paul B.
Anyone who thinks Florida police officers are all highly-trained, proficient marksmen has never been on a range with qualifying officers. Mind you, some are, but I've seen some scary stuff, too. Many are probably better trained to practice psychology than acquit themselves in a gunfight.

I agree with the prior post regarding the training requirement you seem to be favoring. I don't want a Government official to determine who is and who isn't qualified to have a CCW--or to own a firearm (look to Australia, and whats happened there). Everyone with the right to own a firearm, in this case a handgun, has the right to carry it, on their person concealed.

Just my thoughts.
A test of marksmanship required for a CCW? How quaint. Next they will want a literacy test for voters. Where will it all end???

Better days to be,

Not just a literacy test, how about a basic civics, IQ, or "media gullibility" test? The voter pool would shrink dramatically. Ever watch Jay Leno do his "Jay Walking" bit? It's amazing the number of uninformed idiots running around on the streets.

Run the bureaucrats through a morality or Constitutional law test, and see how many suddenly-unemployed former bureaucrats we end up with.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
That moron police chief and others like him used by Clinton and the media are in the extreem minority in LE. We are embarrased by their stupidity and gullibility. The vast majiority of street officers are for an armed population. There is a marked reduction in person to person crime when the public COULD be armed. An armed citizen is our best ally in fighting crime.

The argument that armed people would attack LE or each other is crap. Armed hoodlems will use weapons if they choose to do so, wheither they have a ccw permit or not. Most ccw permit holders will use a weapon if forced to defend themselves, their family or someone who cannot defend themselves. This helps LE because we cannot be everywhere at once.

The federal gun laws we have are rarely enforced now. What makes people think that a new law will make any difference. It is very hard to get the ATF to assist in a case involving a weapon. If they did, most of these armed hoodlems would go away for a long time. There is no time off a fed. sentence, you get 10 years, you do 10 years.
Let's be clear on one thing, friends: CBS will never give a fair and unbiased report on any aspect of RKBA. They are adamantly opposed to the concept, and willing to use any lie, coloring of truth, false innuendo or misrepresentation of fact to pursue the anti-firearms agenda. Don't waste time or energy on anger over it. Neither should we bother to respond to their lies...they know the facts and have rejected them; dialogue and facts make no impression on their invincible ignorance. Remember...they lie about this one thing, they cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything. I believe the weather reports I see on TV, but only after personal independent verification. When I feel the rain on MY face. The rest is best ignored. slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.