60 Minutes and AR15

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New member
Well 60 Minutes is at it again. They are demonizing the AR15 by dramatizing the wounds a .223/5.56 round can inflict on people compared to a 9 mm handgun round.

"Mass casualty events have become so common that everyone should know how to use a first aid bleeding kit." Never mind that auto accidents, shop accidents, ANY accident can cause bleeding and that it would be a good thing to know some first aid.

The 60 Minutes story can be seen here:

A response to the TV show is provided by Breitbart here:
I’m not going to use any partisan labels but...
I have seen the media outlets lie about many things that I am very knowledgeable about, not just guns. I am probably least knowledgeable about guns than any other pursuit in why I take part, but I know enough to spot the lies.

If they are dishonest about things I do know, I can pretty much bet that they are lying about the stuff that I don’t know.

I do know that the people who are the first to defend the 2nd amendment are actually the people who don’t want to have to use a firearm.
If they [the media] are dishonest about things I do know, I can pretty much bet that they are lying about the stuff that I don’t know.

Yep, and the reason I agree with the statement "The Media is the enemy of the State". Any one or any organization that willingly, intentionally, and blatantly lies at a level the Main Stream Media does is not your friend, they are your enemy.
Yep, and the reason I agree with the statement "The Media is the enemy of the State". Any one or any organization that willingly, intentionally, and blatantly lies at a level the Main Stream Media does is not your friend, they are your enemy.

I think we need to differentiate between lying and ignorance. I am deeply technical and I see those flaws all the time, guns or not.

Its impossible for news orgnaziaons to be experts in all the given high tech categores.

The luagh of Foreve was wathcin Suprme Cour Foggies get taken in my Microst on how the browser just had to be part of the operating system.

And all those other add one browsers.........

On the other hand one of the most brilliant pieces of Logic I ever read came from the Judge who was involved in the Maconda Oil blowout litigation.

The Chineese and the Russians concern me far more than the media. But then I grew up in the era where nukes could come flying across the pole at any time and we were prime targets.
Its impossible for news orgnaziaons to be experts in all the given high tech categores.

Agree, but then they should do what most normal level headed persons would do, refrain from comment. But no, they rattle on with their nonsense as if they are experts in the topic field. The gullible out there, which is greater than 50% of the population, fall hook/line/sinker for the nonsense being spewed.

Many people are finally starting to wake up to the partisan hacks in the Media, but still too many believe the lies and misinformation just because they think the well dressed person on the TV is intelligent.
Do you expect anything else? I dont waste my time looking at anything from liberal rags, its all the same predictable rhetoric.
Agree, but then they should do what most normal level headed persons would do, refrain from comment.

So because the comment they are not level headed. Got it.

Strangely, that applies on gun forums. Basically you are saying that folks on gun forums such as this one who don't refrain from comment are not level headed?

Or is it the folks on gun forums who aren't experts and don't refrain from comment aren't level headed?

It is fun to point fingers until you realize you are pointing at yourself.

People discuss issues all the time about which they are not experts. Maybe you saw the recent political campaigns? Based on your categorization, I would have to say that absolutely nobody is level headed, but also based on what you said, it would appear that you are not an expert in human behavior. So where does that leave us?
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