6.5x55 swiss

Old 454

New member
A friend of mine wants me to cast for his 6.5 x 55 swiss. And want to stay with a bullet that stays as true as possible to the original military bullet non gas checked

Looking for a good mold and tips on alloy and casting technique any tips and help would be most appreciated.

The more i have read on tbis subject the more confused i get lol.
The original Swede military load was a 160+ round nose FMJ bullet.

A plain base round nose cast bullet mold in a slightly lighter weight can be had from CBE: http://www.castbulletengineering.co...fle/264-6-5mm-calibre/268-145pb-double-cavity

Most everyone recommends for long slender cast bullets to use a dipper instead of a bottom pour pot. It's a little slower, but it helps avoid bullet inconsistencies.

With the tight twist of Swede mauser rifles, you can't get much velocity without killing accuracy, so a plain base bullet should be fine, but an alloy on the harder side for the velocities will help avoid bullet deformation due to powder or filler ramming into the base of the bullet. So I recommend light charges of faster powders and some Dacron filler to start the load workup.

Hope this is helpful.
