6,5x25 CBJ


New member
obviously another wonder round out of the realm of the so-called PDW (Personal Defence Weapons), this one really surprised me... I don't want to go deeper into the ballistic properties claimed for this round, here is the link:


Actually, a 9mm-sized round that can penetrate an APC steel plate out of a SMG barrel seems a little unlikely to me (although it's unlikely as well that the whole setup was completely staged...?). And furthermore, if it really performs that prodigious, how comes it seemingly didn't make it in any major inventory?

Looking forward to your thoughts or maybe additional information!
simonrichter: said:
obviously another wonder round out of the realm of the so-called PDW (Personal Defence Weapons), this one really surprised me... I don't want to go deeper into the ballistic properties claimed for this round, here is the link:


Actually, a 9mm-sized round that can penetrate an APC steel plate out of a SMG barrel seems a little unlikely to me (although it's unlikely as well that the whole setup was completely staged...?). And furthermore, if it really performs that prodigious, how comes it seemingly didn't make it in any major inventory?

Looking forward to your thoughts or maybe additional information!

The 6.5x25 CBJ is an interesting round and its armor penetration capabilities are hardly surprising. Getting through thin hard objects like steel plate is primarily a function of energy and the best way to achieve that is through increasing velocity as opposed to mass. Get a bullet moving fast enough -2400 to 2900 fps as in the case of the 6.5x25- and even fairly light rounds will penetrate through a surprising amount of steel plate.

For some interesting reading on the matter, check out the De Marre Armor Penetration Formula (and many others found) here: http://www.navweaps.com/index_nathan/Hstfrmla.htm

The website provides a very good explanation (and quite understandable) of penetration mechanics that applies to small caliber projectiles as well.
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