6.5 x 55 Swede


New member
Just picked up a Mauser Custom in this caliber and so far it's been paper-punching. I've sighted in the scope and am getting consistent groups at an inch to an inch and a quarter from the prone and sitting position. Remington 140 gr Core Lokt ammo.

The question being is this ammo good for hogs and deer here in Florida? Usually a clear shot but maybe some tall grass/bushes? I'll also be heading to S. Carolina for deer. My buddies told me it's from a stand at 100 to 150 yds. Also pretty clear again with some tall grass and bushes.

With the exception of maybe big Alaskan bears, there is not a single game animal in N. America that a 6.5x55 with a 140 CoreLokt won't efficiently take. Yes, you can find flatter shooting loads and harder hitting loads but at the distances you'll be shooting deer and pigs they would only cost you more money without making the animals any deader.

Enjoy. That is a great cartridge.
6.5 swede will kill anything in north america short of large alaskan game and bison. you'll be solid. corelokts in particular are decent hunting loads, although I've lost a few deer with it in a 243 win, I prefer federal powershoks which are also available in 6.5 swede, perhaps shoot the two side by side and see if your gun prefers either.
I've used a Swede for 20+ years of hunting; I have tried ALOT of loadings for the 6.5.

The cartridge is excellent, and the 135-140 grain bullets are the most accurate and effective loadings.
My factory load of choice is Winchester Super X 140gr SP. It will hold 1 moa if I do my part, and the bullet seems to hold together and expand better than the Remington fodder.

Granted, I have never done any gel tests, but I have shot scores of Wisconsin whitetail, dozens of coyotes, and a 330lb Russian boar. The boar was taken with a single shot through the engine room from about 70 yards away. He dropped after running about 15 yards. While skinning we found the bullet, mushroomed but intact, between the far shoulder plate and hide.

And they said I was under-gunned when I showed up with the Swede:cool:
Never hunted with it, but I have found it to be a superb, flat-shooting, economical, accurate cartridge. One of the most under-rated and over-looked there is. I highly recommend it.
Swedes do require certain loads for moose , 156 gr .
I think overall the 140s are the best ,if more is required use premium bullets.
Finn Aagaard said it's the perfect deer cartridge .I agree and it was my deer cartridge for 25 years. Very accurate, mild recoil,. low muzzle blast very effective !:D
I load 160 gr. Hornady roundnose and 160 gr. Woodleigh roundnose in the Swede. The lighter Nosler Ballistic Tips also shoot well. I can run them in a 700 Classic and a K98k Mauser with a Douglas Premium barrel. There are lots of good options with a 6.5 x 55. I have even employed Norma powders.
it warms my swedish heart reading you guys praising it

I don't own a rifle in the calibre myself but grew up hunting and shooting with it (yes a sporterized swedish mauser)

I shot 6,5 before 22lr:), with membership in certain shooting disciplines the ammo is almost subsidized:)
, and surplus ammo is still around and cheap, such a common calibre that regular new training ammo is about 30bucks for 50

yes we do have minimum requirements for moose, hogs, bears, red and fallow deer, mufflon, wolf (visent and muskoxe but we don't have huntable pops of those) and for some reason you can hunt hogs, fallowdeer and mufflon with slugs but not the other species)

the requirements are
9gram bullets and 2700joule at 100meters
10 gram bullets and 200 joule at 100 m

lighter loads/bullets are great for treetop birdhunting, geese, roedeer, fox

my dad hunted almost 40 years with his 6,5 and shot moose, bear without any problems, now he got a new rifle in 308
My wife hunts with a custom Browning in 6.5mm Swede. She has taken a medium sized bull elk, three mule deer, and several antelope with this rifle. None got away. The cartridge has recoil a little less than .308 but hits hard at reasonable distances.

Subsidized 6.5 x 55 ammo; Now there's an idea for the Congressional Budget Office.

it was/is a shooting discipline tied to the armed forces. to keep up the skills I guess

guess it is NORMAS way of sponsoring the shooting sports

the same setup that made private ownership of the swedish-k possible in the past, nowadays it is not just jumping thru hoops it is darn near impossible, the competitions are still held but not many people are able to attend
check this video pretty cool

the main reason for many oldtimers to be part of the homeguard was easy access to ammo (6,5 for a very long time and 308 from the 80s and forward)
and they got to keep a ak4 (H&K G3) at home:cool:
nd I have begun saving up for a sauer 404, and 6,5x55 barrel is a must

the second will be in 375HH for those big monster moose:D