6.5 Creedmoor Load data


New member
Well I have been working on loads for my New 6.5 Creedmoor, Savage 110 Tactical desert rifle. I decided to try the Hornady ELD-M bullet 140 grain since I have loaded the ELD-X quite a lot. Of course I am still using Reloder 26. and Winchester cases.

I started these loads Just looking for pressure signs until I got to a load that had a little over 100% load density. I did not begin to chronograph them until I was near my max charge. I chose my max charge based on how full the case was. I saw no obvious signs of pressure throughout the powder charge range. Last week I threw a few together and they shot very well, so I loaded more of them this week to test velocity and grouping. Cases are full length sized and once fired.

Warning! The following data is not published data. This is data gathered from my own experience with my own individual rifle. The purpose of this post is only to share what I have found to work with my components and my system Use at your own risk!

Rifle: Savage 110 Tactical 6.5 Creedmoor 24" barrel
Case: Winchester
Primer: CCI 200
Bullet: 140 ELD-M
Powder: Reloder 26
Charge weights: 45-48 Grains
COAL: 2.850" (Mag length) .030 from the lands.

47.5 Grains Reloder 26, data collected from 10 shot strings. A separate 10 shot string was shot for Group size.

Average: 2867 fps
ES: 16 fps
SD: 6 fps
10 shot Group size: 1.15" The first 9 shots were within .9" The first 7 were within .6". This load shot very well for me today. It was very windy outside today and I do have faith that this would shoot a little bit tighter if not for so much wind, but I digress. I was able to pull together a 2.75" 5 shot group at 300 yards today, but I Was shooting in between gusts of wind.

48 grains Reloder 26
Average: 2920 fps
ES: 19 fps
10 shot group size: 1.52". By the time I shot this group The wind was sustained at around 10 mph and gusting around 20 mph. I have no doubt this would also have shot better without the wind. My shot dispersion for this group was pretty much entirely left to right. Elevation was right on.

I have decided that I will stick with the 47.5 grain load and maybe play with seating depth a little bit. I know that with the ELD-X Bullet I was getting best results with bullets seated so that they have more jump to the lands. I want to get that 1.15" group down to .75" or better.

I also tested a couple loads for the 6.5 PRC today, but I will create another thread for that.

I had literally no load data to work with so where I started was a guess based on my load work up with Reloder 26 and the Sierra Tipped Game King last year. I just reduced the starting powder charge by 5%. For my results at least it worked out fine.
Here is the 10 shot group at 100 with the 47.5 grain load. I will shoot this test again when it is not so windy.


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I cant believe that much rl26 will fit in that case.
I know I run a whopper load of rl23 and 140 grn Accubonds in my Creed, not much case neck left.
If you use drop tubes take a pic and post it kilotanker.
I do not use a drop tube. I use a regular funel and pour the powder slowly at an angle creating a sort of vortex. The. Tap the case when done. 47.5 grains is basically at the bottom of the case neck
It does not look it from the photo, but that is 47.5 grains of Reloder 26 in a Winchester case. It is right at the bottom of the case neck.


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I cant believe that much rl26 will fit in that case.
I know I run a whopper load of rl23 and 140 grn Accubonds in my Creed, not much case neck left.
If you use drop tubes take a pic and post it kilotanker.
Break out the Sonicaire and its amazing what can be packed in.
Have you outfitted yours with a shell holder chuck yet? ;)

Here's what drop tubes do to the same charge of IMR4064.

I don't need a drop tube or anything special, at least not yet. With this rifle and powder I have all I need in the case. With the other rifle and this powder I really doubt I will fill the case before my Max load.