6.5 Creedmoor hunting bullets


New member
Just brought a new Tikka in 6.5 Creedmoor yesterday. Sighted in in yesterday with Berger 135 grain Hybrid Hunter because all I could find at Cabela’s was that and Hornady Match ELD White Box. What bullets should I look for that work well for deer. I like the Hunting Hybrids and the Match both shoot under an inch but what bullets work best would like advice from those with 6.5 on game experience please. My shots will be mostly under 60-70 yards unless I’m hunting the food plot then I might get a long shot. Thanks for the Advice
I assume you don't handload. For factory loads you're going to just have to use whatever you can find right now. Store shelves are pretty bare. Honestly for what you want to do any 120 gr or heavier bullet designed for hunting will work just fine. If you can't find anything else the Bergers you have are what I'd use.

If you can locate any The Hornady American White tail 129 gr Interlock bullets are about the cheapest option. They shoot well in my rifles. But I handload and only bought a box or 2 shortly after buying my rifle to shoot up for the brass.

The Hornady ELD-X 143 gr is a hunting bullet that is another good choice. They make the ELD-M which is marketed as a match bullet in various bullet weights. While not marketed as a hunting bullet I'd use the 140 gr bullet to hunt with. As well as some other target bullets.

I know that is a controversial topic, but just because something isn't designed as a hunting bullet doesn't mean it won't work well for hunting. Some do, some don't. There are a lot of target bullets I'd not hunt with.

Since I handload I've gone exclusively to Lapua Scenar 139 gr target bullets in my 6.5 CM. They are extremely accurate, are deadly on game and are reasonably priced.
For the 6.5mm CM, you might also keep an eye out for the Sierra 130 gr GameChanger (actually 130 Game Kings or 130 GMK).

The 130 GMKs and the 143 ELD-X Hornady shoot almost as accurately as their match grade cousins (the 130 Tipped Match King and 140 ELD-M respectively) in my three 6.5mm CMs.
JMR40 hit the nail right on the head. I have taken 3 deer with a creedmoor. One was with a 140 grain Hornady Interlock. The bullet performed admirably, expanding well and passing through the animal.

I have taken two with the 147 grain ELD Match bullet. These bullets appeared to have expanded very quickly and had enough weight behind them to also pass through leaving behind a significant amount of damage inside the animals.

All three bullets were started right around 2700 fps at the muzzle.
If you just want to kill game, I've seldom seen a bullet kill more dramatically than a Berger. However, the bullet I've seen desroy the most meat is a Berger. The few game animals ive seen shot with Berger bullets most of the off side from front shoulder to flank has been bloodshot. The animal when the hide us off looks like it has been repeatedly peppered with birdshot. That said the bullet works as advertised and usually dumps game in their tracks.

If you're having trouble finding ammunition right now I'd shoot the Berger for hunting first, but I'd use the Hornady if that's all you can find. If you purchase online look for Hornady American Whitetail 129 gr Interlock ammunition. I think it's as good as any basic hunting ammunition and is usually around $25 a box, I also like Federal (Blue Box) Power Shok ammunition for general deer hunting.
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I use 120 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips. And for I time I used the 100 gr version. Both killed deer equally well. I had expected the heavier bullet to be more effective, but I couldn’t tell any noticeable difference. Both work well on hogs of all sizes also. Neither bullet gives an exit on hogs very often, but I always get exits on deer (lung shots).

But, if you aren’t a reloader, in today’s market you might be limited on options.
If you handload, we can talk more interesting choices, but if you're not a handloader you'll need to just choose a box from the shelf at the gun store and might have to be happy with whatever you can find. Especially at the last minute... in the middle of a shortage.

I'd recommend buying actual hunting ammo if possible. I'd steer clear of target ammo, despite what others have said. They're right that CERTAIN target bullets can work well on game if you take the right shots with them, but unless you know what you're doing, a hunting bullet is much safer bet and gives a much bigger margin for error.

For 60-70 yard shots, I'd go with something in the 120-140 grain weight. Nothing too soft. Stick with something like the Interlock, Corelokt, etc. No need for premium ammo for deer, but you also don't want aa soft bullet that will explode at short distance.
EPL...I'm going to use the sierra 130 game changer bullet this year...well got about 13 days to wait......close yardage for me here is about...65-70 yards.....longest shot could be 180 yards....so got the zero at 125 yards....from what I can figure running strelok back and forth...I'm thinking hold on for everything....kinda looks like about an inch both sides of zero

But I think the bullet will get it done

My .02