6.5" barrel...is this legal ?

Don Lu

New member
Usually, the question "is it legal" means is it a firearm not subject to the NFA of 1934, i. e., may it generally be purchased in accordance with only the formalities required under state law by someone generally qualified under state law to own a firearm. And the answer to that questions is "no."

This is an NFA weapon and requires qualification under federal law, registration under the NFA and the payment of an NFA transfer tax. It may also be illegal under the laws of some states that further restrict NFA weapons.
From what I understand, it's only a 5 dollar permit for an AOW to possess a shorty legally. But a better question is...what's it good for?:confused:

It's like, the worst of both worlds.
Every gun doesnt not need to have a prctical use, Some thing you buy for the "cool"/fun factor..other things you buy just b/c you can...how easy is it to get that NFA registration...if it matters, i lve in GA...
18" barrels and full stocks are cool, and the fun factor is potentiated when you can hit with it. Ok ok, I'll stop.:D

I dunno what it takes to get the permit, never tried it. Prolly like a ccw app, fee, prints, background check that smells like roses. They either approve you or send your 5 bucks back I think.
Are you kidding? waite a couple months and some one here will post a range report. It looks cool, and goes boom, AND COST $700. Someone will have to buy one. Just waite a bit. :D
There is no PERMIT.
There is a tax stamp that you purchase after going through a federal background check.
The stamps cost $5.00 (Any Other Weapon), or $200.00 (Short Barreled Shotgun)
What Mr. DeShivs said is correct.

Further, you mail your check off with the completed paperwork and the BATFE keeps your money whether you get the tax stamp or not.

But you will get the tax stamp. If you are legal to own a single shot .22, you are legal to own a quad-.50 AAMG setup.

(BTW: I met Mr. Serbu's dad at my previous place of employment. Nice guy.)
Check your state and local laws, as they will also apply. You will also need to get the application approved by the "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" in your area. That may be tricky depending upon their beliefs or your ability to make a campaign contribution.

You're also agreeing to periodic inspections by BATFE and voluntarily placing yourself on a federal registry.
In all due respect....

Contrary to the "gun show" mentality that the ATF is slobbering to break down your door and take your guns, I have found them to extremely courteous and professional. The most important thing about a NFA weapon is securing it so someone dosn't break into your house and it ends up in the wrong hands (but that's true of a Colt SAA as well).

Really, this view of the ATF as anti-gun is bewildering and silly. I've had nothing but positive experiences with them.
Check your state and local laws, as they will also apply. You will also need to get the application approved by the "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" in your area. That may be tricky depending upon their beliefs or your ability to make a campaign contribution.

You're also agreeing to periodic inspections by BATFE and voluntarily placing yourself on a federal registry.

Your knowledge of the NFA process is astounding.
The only interaction I've had with the ATF is them sending me my tax stamp back in the mail. I've never had to get an LEO sign off on any forms.......or submit finger prints.........or submit photos.............or make a campaign contribution.;)

Oh yea, the Serbu. Not my cup of tea, they keep making them so someone is buying them.