58 Remington Trigger ?


New member
New to the forum, Looks like a good one. Now on to the question, I have two pietta's ,1858 Remingtons that I bought from cabelas. Both are the 8 inch barrel models, One is the all blue model they had on sale, for $169.00 with the one shot coupon in the new spring 08 catalog. And the other is the case hardened frame with the checkerd grips. Now the question, When cocking the pistol slowly I can hear three disticnt clicks, I know the first one is half cock and the secound and third click are bolt and trigger set. Both guns are a little different in the timeing of the third click. The case hardened has a little longer pull on the hammer before the trigger sets. should their be three distint clicks or can I stone the top of the trigger ,so that the second and third click are as one. I know this may sound petty. But like to tinker with things and make them smoother and operate better. Are some of the better tuned guns set up this way or do they have the three distinct clicks?
If this sounds dumb, Please excuse me I am new to black powder thing.
Thanks .
OK are both pistols working like they should,
and you are not getting trigger slip, then let it be.
Take them out for a test run, and check out how they
perform. Shot safe.:cool:
My Pietta 58 does that too but you've got to cock it mighty slow to hear them. It doesn't bother me. I only hear two clicks when I cock it normally and everything functions like it should. All it is is the bolt locking into the cylinder a tad before the hammer goes into full cock.
I have the Pietta with the color case frame and checkered wood, also from Cabella's. Not exactly authentic, but pretty. Mine does the three-click thing too. I think my .31 pocket Remington (from the same source) does also. And the Colt SAA has FOUR clicks as you pull the hammer back. I think what you're describing is perfectly normal.
Colt's are supposed to have four clicks, cept the c&b's. Remington isn't supposed to but it doesn't hurt anything. It's just the bolt is a tiny fraction out of time with the full cock notch. I've got an older Remington clone with four distinct clicks.
Just a few words: If it ain't broke, don't fix em'.

I have two Pietta '58s and they all have the 3 clicks. Not to mention really smooth shooting and absolutely excellent. Pietta makes excellent Remingtons, gotta say that.
Being a new pistol , if you haven`t taken it down and done a little stoneing on the internals to smooth things up or have never done that . It will smooth up from use might take awhile but uasually after 300 to 500 rounds , it`ll get nice and smooth on it`s own . I took my new Cabelas Remmie apart before I ever shot it and worked all the casting burs and rough edges off the internals , she`s smooth and slick now ..The Uberti`s I`ve bought were a little cleaner in the internals , but then again I paid Uberti price too . Pietta is doing much better on their external fit and finish , they could stand a little more quaility control on the internals .
I wouldn't worry about it unless the hammer was hitting the full cock notch before the cylinder locked. We bought Dad a Uberti `58 Remington at Christmas and the bolt pops up at the instant the hammer catches the full cock notch. Perfect!
Thats what I`ve noticed about the Uberti Remingtons I have too , they seem to take more time with the internals fit and finish ..of course we pay for the time they take , still a good deal though . Sure is nice to take one out of the box and not have to do anything but shoot it . I`ve heard of some Uberti lemons out there too , I just haven`t got one yet .
From what I've heard(never handled one)the Uberti Remingtons are a tad bigger than the originals. That would be a turn off for me. The Piettas are closer to the originals in size.
That's interesting. I don't have a Pietta and have never handled an original but it doesn't 'seem' larger than it should be. I typically prefer more svelte Colt-style single actions so it'd be worth looking into if there is a noticeable difference.

The new `58 cartridge conversion from Cimarron also piques my interest.

What I also find interesting are the 1875 and 1890 replicas from Hartford Armory. They are supposedly identical to the originals in size and heft but yet are strong enough to handle .44Mag and .45Colt pressures. I'll be damned if they don't call `em "Remmies". :barf:

I`ve got an original 1858 Remmie NMA it`s the size of the Pietta Remington ..even the Pietta cylinder fits it ...the Uberti is a little smaller , even the cylinder is shorter on the Uberti .......on the other hand the early original 1858 ..before the Army was known as a Beals ..it`s small ..the size of an EuroArms Remington .
I'm thinking I heard on the SASS forum Uberti started making them bigger. I might be wrong tho. Like I said I never handled a Uberti. I had an original Remington Beals and compared it side by side to a Rigarmi which was a copy of the Beals back in the late 60's-mid 70's and they were almost identical. The only difference I noted wasn't visual at all but my second knuckle contacted the trigger guard on the clone but didn't on the original. That and the front sight were about the only real differences I noted. The grips on my Pietta are a lot thicker than original grips and I don't care for that too much. Probably wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't still have the Rigarmi.
I`ve got a new Uberti 1858 comming from Taylors new week ..I`ll take note of the size of the grips on it when it gets here ..
I only notice two clicks on my Uberti, half cock and when the bolt pops right into the cyl. notch. Then I have a little Pietta brass .31. It has a click at half cock, and three distinct almost simultaneus clicks near full cock.
Both my 22 year old & 1 year old Pietta 1858's have that distinctive 3 click if I draw the hammer back real slow but between the second "the bolt engaging" & third "the trigger in full cock" clicks is almost unison with the bolt just a hair faster.

I've learned to love it timed that way & they lock up perfectly every time.

All I've ever done to either of my Remies is just smooth up the innards for a very smooth hammer but still have a 4.5-5.5 trigger pull with just a touch of creep "they ain't goin Boom unless I want em too."
Just got mine a few hours ago

My Cabelas sale 1858 was on my door step when I got home from work. First thing I noticed that was strange was UPS LEFT it!:confused: If I ordered a pair of .99 socks and had them UPS them I'd have to sign for them.....I've signed for everything I've ever gotten UPS...........except a GUN? :confused::eek::D

Anyway.........the blue model will go quite well with my Bounty Hunter 1873. Like everyone elses, it has the three clicks.......but you have to really notice because the last two are REEEAALLY close. Main spring tension is nice. Cocking on mine is smooooth. I really like the wide, flat trigger, almost like a rifle trigger. Are the originals like that?

I was going to go cheap when I ordered it but I added a parts kit for my Navy and for the Remington. I should be set for a while.

I'm definitely happy I took the cue and cashed in on one of these babies!!!
First thing I noticed that was strange was UPS LEFT it!

Could be worse. My mail man left a $300 custom knife hanging out of the mailbox for any road drunk to drive by and grab. :eek: