54 Cal Renegade advice

Mike L

Good evening all ? This is my first post on this board and I hope you can give me a little advice or send me in the right direction. I have owned a 54 Cal Renegade(Double Triggers) for yrs and have never been able to group anything. My first shot I would be able to hit a basketball, 50yds, but after that ?.......LOL Know one knows ! I had my barrel checked, and it's ok. I have the gun scoped and everything is tight. So I tried cleaning after every shot, even letting it cool. Same results. Now this is with a round ball. So I'm told by others I should go to a sabot. Here's where I need your help ? I've heard a lot about "Powerbelt" Would this be a good choice ? So I guess what I need is a good round, the weight, proper size, and in general the amount of powder. Currently I use FFFg........:confused: Sooooo ? Thats where I'm at ? Can anyone assist ?......:)
FFFG in a 54 Cal?

That may be part of your problem. FFFG cuts of at 44 CAL. 44 CAL can use both FFFG and FFG, but below that FFFG should be used. Anything above 44 cal should use FFG.

Are you shooting off a bench rest or offhand? How much powder are you using?
Flint or Percussion? Lots of questions but more info is needed to help.
Yep ! FFFg super fine is what I was told to use years ago ! The gun is percussion, bench rest, I've tried 80, 90, and 100 grams of powder. I havent shot it in about three years and plan on getting back into it this season. So I figured I better get my stuff together and find out whats going on. Thanks for the reply...........:)
Old, I doubt the 3f is the problem, when I used to shoot a lot of traditional ML matches I would say more used 3f then 2f in thier 50s and 54s. I know the "book" says what you posted. They are both the same powder, just the 3f is a finer grind. Several years ago on the old Fidol Firearms net, Ed Harris himself posted on there recommending the 3f in larger bores, it seem the finer grind gives a more consistant result. But, I would try different powders, grind etc, every rifle is different.
Maybe you just have a bad barrel, if you go to Track of the Wolf Website, they have drop in Green mountaing barrels for the Renegade. You can drop in any caliber, I picked up a .40 cal match barrel for mine that I use for the occasional matches, and would like to try it on squirrel just for fun.
Mike L, I got my renegade in 1978 and it never did shoot round balls very well. the groupings were terrible. I switched to 410 grain maxi bullets and it shot like a dream. I now buy the TC maxi-hunter 435 grain, pre lubed. 110 grains of powder and I can get a good group out 100 yards. Just had it out hunting today. good luck!
I also have heard that if I was going to a sabot ? I should shoot the .50 Cal
load. Like if your shooting a 50 cal you should use a 45 round. So now is that truth or just BS. Anyone shoot a 54 sabot ?

One thing I have not seen mentioned.....the orginal Renegade 54 were 1 in 48 twist.for maxi-ball slugs. Trying to shoot roundball above 70 grains of powder will spread them all over the place. Either down load your powder or as others have mentioned.get a Green Mountain.round ball barrell..1 in 66 twist.
Well ? I'm going to try the powerbelt......295gr and using 777....I'm going to start with 90 grains and see what I get. I'll post to let you know how everything went..........:)
I have the same rifle except I bought it as a left handed kit gun. Mine shoots Maxi-balls great but just so so with patched round balls, but it does shoot them a lot better that the results you get. I use a lot of FFF in mine too and it seems to work ok for me. I sure could be the twist is too fast for round balls and I haven't shot ant Sabots so I will be interested in your report.. Good luck