50 yr. comm Rugers


New member
I have been trying for a while to find out how many sets of matching s/n 50 yr. commerative .44/.357 were made. Ruger won't say. The best my books say is "limited production". Any ideas? Thanks,(new to forum) Paul:confused:
i have tried to find a pair for awhile but with no luck. my friend has a set yet i could never get my hands one one. so must be not that many
I was thinking about the potential value down the road for investing. Without knowing a reasonably accurate production #, I don't know if it's worth it. Mine are NIB w/all shipping and sales info. I looked at the ones for sale..tempting. I think these are the same model people like to customize, ch. .357 to .44 spec.,.44 to 454 Casul or 480 Ruger? Anyway Thanks, Paul
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Demand will be the final factor in whether or not they are a good investment or not.

As a rule, I have always stayed away from commemoratives as they are basically white elephants.

In the 80s, I made the mistake of buying not one, but two Colt 1911 John M. Browning 1911 commemorative .45s, thinking that they, for sure, would be THE one hot item among commemoratives. Boy, was I wrong,.

After about 20 years, I finally got my money back out of them. YMMV
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