50-grain Varmint Grenade


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50-grain Varmint Grenade

Working up a load for this bullet. Ran a ladder with Varget 22.8 to 24.8 in .5 increments. While none blew my skirt up as far as tight groups, I think I need to run something similar again. Rifle is a 20” PSA on an Anderson lower, Accu wedge, Rise A trigger, A1 buttstock and buffer, rifle length gas system, 3-12X40 scope. Shoots 52gr HPBT with different load around 1” or less at 100YRDS. Might have tainted my test by shooting through a dirty platform. I cleaned the Ba-Jebus out of the rifle and bore. Will shoot some fowlers before I test again. One thing that concerned me with using Barns data was the COAL. 2.200 seems short for this bullet. Would like to use IMR4064 rather than Varget, only because I have more of it. Lyman 50th shows same load for 50-55gr (different bullet) with 4064. Thoughts? Goal is P Dog center mass at max 200M range. Primer stock is getting low (les than 300 standard and mag SRP) suggestions?
What cartridge?

As for cleaning, one of the modenr clearners works wonders. I used Carbon Killer 2000 drizzled on a nylong bursh (more sticks) thorugh a warm barrel (it will clean cold but warmer is faster)

About 5 cycles of the CK2k as I call it with the wet as you can get it nylon brush followed by a cotton patch soaked in it (I use an eye dropper to put it on both)

Lyamn Bore scope is also your friend as it tells you how clean you got it.

Worst one to clean was the family 270 from 1962. It had been cleaned after each shooting but the chemicals of the day did not get it all. Took me days to get the layers of carbon (and some copper out with Bore Tech Eliminator).

Now it gleams, my younger brother can put 3 shots in 1/2 inch with it and I can do 5 shots x 7/8 (Sako Finnbear which is a very light hunting gun not a target rifle)
I am not up to the Semi Auto and various lowers and uppers (I know the breakdown just not PSA or Anderson)

That said, some competitors single load the Semi Autos letting them use a longer COAL than magazine allows.

Obvious this has to be done cautiously and not as easy as on a bolt action.

Sometimes COAL makes a lot of difference and sometimes they are pretty tolerant.

Nothing wrong with experiment with boat COAL and powder as long as done withing the guidelines of safety and the handbooks with cross checking.

I have had some good results in my bolt action with cross matching velocity of powders and geeing decent results that I could fine tune with adjustments above and below it.

Some powders seem to work better than others though my shooting is not good enough consistently to be sure (sigh) and temp variations and how full the case is all weight in (pun)

That said if you find a velocity in one powder you can try a cross to another that can be a good starting point.

As 4064 is an appropriate 223 powder for 50-65 gr its a good one to work up loads with.
I shoot VG 36 and 50 in Savage bolt rifles and they shoot just fine. There is NO TRUTH to the rumor these bullets will disintegrate in flight at 4000 fps (1:9 twist). A2200 is good for highest velocity with 36 gr. I use WC-844 under the 50's. You will not need to single-load these, they are not nearly long enough for that come into play. I have also shot 224 Barnes 70 gr. All Copper bullets, they work great, too.
Using unleaded bullets, I trust Barnes load data first and powder manufacturers second. You cannot assume lead bullet data, for the same weight will work the same.
Unleaded bullets are lighter, longer, and take up more space. Heed COAL's Hodgdon/IMR/WIN and Ramshot data include loads for Barnes bullets.
For best accuracy, fast extruded powders should do best. 4064 is rather slow.
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“Unleaded bullets are lighter, longer, and take up more space. “
Hence the reason I question the 2.2 COL. Seems short compared to the 2.250-2.260mag length.

“There is NO TRUTH to the rumor these bullets will disintegrate in flight at 4000 fps”
Funny you mention that, highest charge weight I tested was 24.8 of Varget. Of 10 rounds tested at 100 yrds, I have 9 bullet holes on paper. Was wondering where #10 went. With that charge weight I was no where near 4000 fps. Might have been a crazy flyer, but I doubt it. All other charge weights have their 10 holes so I know I didn’t shoot it at the wrong POA. Must have been a fluke. 20" 1-7 twist if i remember right.

edit- confirmed 1-7 twist
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