.50 FUCA or Russian .50?

Uhh, yea, 12.7x107mm Russian, as apposed to 12.7x99mm (.50 BMG), but you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a gun in that caliber here in the US. It'd have to be something completely original and domestic. Another option is the .50 Peacemaker (I saw another name for this round spoken in Canada, but I can't recall it for the life of me) which isn't quite as powerful, but it's basically a .460 Weatherby Mag trimmed, renecked and reloaded with .50 API bullets.
Have chamber reamer, will travel.

No, I mean I think it's a totally different case with a different headspacing and case head diameter and stuff. You'd need a different barrel and bolt all together. Found another one today though, and interesting Canadian wildcat called the .50 Fat Mac.
