.50 cal. rifles next "bad gun" on anti's agenda

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New member
If you go to the website for CBS News, you will see a propaganda piece about "an especially deadly weapon", namely, 50 BMG rifles.

When I was at the Gun Rights Policy Conference last September, the president of the 50 Cal. Shooters Society gave a talk where he warned that the 50 BMG was the next "bad gun" on the anti's agenda.

Of course, the same arguments they will use against the 50 BMG can also be applied to your .308 deer rifle.

We should take this very seriously. If the 50's go down, the deer rifles and varmint rifles (all "sniper rifles", in the eyes of a liberal) will be next.

Be Warned and Beware.
We've already had a taste of that here in Wisconsin when a guy who had robbed a bank was found to have a .50 at his home. The press went wild. "A gun that can shoot down a helicopter," they ranted. Next it will be a scoped rifle that can take out the pilot.

For some reason, I woke up last night at about 3:45am and turned on the TV. I got to see a rerun of that 50cal piece on CBS. They said "the gun has no ligitimate sporting use, it was designed for killing and mass destruction". Afterwards, the anchorwoman said "another piece on the ever-evolving issue of guns..." with the anchorman replying (get this) "I think we're catching up with the rest of the world." That last comment was enough to keep me from going back to sleep. I saw some really interesting things, though -

"flame on"

Just HOW ignorant can these 50cal guys be?

Their first mistake was to allow the media anywhere near their range. I'm only 24 and I know full well ANY coverage the media takes, they're going to turn against you. I saw guys proudly showing off great big cartridges like trophies, and hammering safes and other large objects with multiple, machine-gun like shots (obviously from the BMGs). The reporters ate this up, and turned it all against them. That little segment made them look like a bunch of swaggering idiots bent on mass annihilation. THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER! What did they expect, a fair and accurate report? They sould have never gave the media permission to get anywhere near them!

One other thing - when was the last time someone held up a bank or did a drive-by with a 48#, single shot rifle?

"flame off"
Gentlemen, we have two on-going threads about this very subject over at General.

That being said, I'm going to lock this one down.

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