5 shot revolver for IDPA?


New member
Hello all,

The current IDPA webpage version of the rulebook only addresses 6,7, and 8 shot revos.
Are five shot revos legal? I know it would require more reloads on max round stages.
Anyone know for sure?
Revo is Taurus 4" 5-shot .44spl, by the way.

Thanks much.

Figures about the reloading. Since most courses of fire (local anyways) have their rounds expended in even numbers to stay revo neutral, i ran through a couple of imaginary CoF's in my head. Being judicious about your cover and reloading, it can be done.

It will certainly be realistic, just won't be winning any championships anytime soon.

Thanks Jim.
No trophies, maybe, but you will be the fastest man in town with a Taurus .44. Which will appeal to the tacticians in the crowd.

Thanks Jim.
Think I'll pick it up then. It's closer to what I carry most days anyway, and I'd rather get the experience than the match credit.

See you out there maybe. Look for the looney with 3 speedloaders AND a pocketful:D
I thot you already had it. What IS your carry gun? Don't know that I'd buy a Taurus for competition volumes. The local gunscribe once told me that Taurus was going to bring out a line of moonclip revolvers suitable for IDPA and that he'd get me one of the first five to support his articles. Never happened.

Nope, it's a pre-Rossi/Braztech but post-70's crap-era .44 Special.

I carry now, depending on the weather, a 5 shot Charter Arms Bulldog .44 or a Smith and Wesson 29 in .44.

The Smith is a no-go for the 6" barrel length, and I don't think the 2.5" Bulldog would be comfortable for all day shooting. Especially the qaulifier (90rounds, right?) EDIT: Practice sessions with the Charter (before I deployed) were 25 or 50 rounds, slow fire, indoors at either 7,10,14,or 20 yards. Outdoor practice was limited to 7 or 15 yards because our on-post outdoor range only has those distances with stationary target holders.

The 4 inch barrel is a good medium for me, the frame size (roughly L-frame) is just above the Charter and just below the N-frame Smith. The manual of arms/functions are very similar for all three, and obviously keeping the same caliber provides both ammo simplicity and training value. (practice like you perform, right?)

If you think either of my carry guns is a better choice, provided they are within the rules, please let me know. Still a newcomer to the whole deal and looking to shoot my qualifier in May/June when I am out of here. Just trying to do my research and get prepped as best I can before then.

Thanks much for all your help. I really appreciate the newbie-guidance.
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No, a 2.5" would be no help and a 6" not allowed.

How about a nice PD tradein K or L-Smith .38/.357 sixshooter?
Same manual of arms, reloads to fit the usual course of fire, cheaper ammo, long service life, speedloaders, holsters, sights, etc. more available than for Taurus.
That sounds good.

That does sound good, and to be honest I've been keeping an eye out for a heavy barrel K in .38 or a Ruger .357, maybe the security six.

I have a couple model 10's around, and one victory,but the barrels are 2.5 inch, 5 inch, and 6 inch. All are the tapered barrel.

Thought about finding a heavy 10 or 12 with no historical value to bob to 3", go DAO (personal preference), and round butt with Pachmayr Compac grips. I have smallish hands and like those a lot. Have a smith here who does nice action work.

I was really lured by the .44 ammo similarity, and by the similarties to my daily carry. I guess a .38 does make more sense though. The Smith & Wesson would be exactly the same, function-wise, just a hair smaller. The Charter is close enough. It's really more or less the same, controls are just shaped a bit different.

I'll look about for some other ideas then. Thank you for bringing me back from the teetering edge of "another gun" syndrome.

Just trying to keep in the spirit of the game, with the main focus being carry techniques training, and not becoming a "gamer".
Problem solved.

Well, problem solved.
My wife spilled the Christmas beans. I'm getting one of J&G's police trade-in S&W Model 64s. DAO .38spc with a 4 inch tube.

Guess that settles that issue then:D Now I get to go buy holsters and speedloaders! Hooray!
You could hardly do better than that. A Good Woman.

A good DA trigger job, paint the front sight red and the rear sight black or green; all the speedloaders you can round up - Safariland Comp III are fastest - holster, and carriers for three speedloaders, and you are all set.

Cutting it to 3" would look kewl but would cost a bunch, I'd tune it up a bit and go shooting.
Thanks Jim.

Thank you much. She's really a great woman. And she's pregnant with #2 (busy on R&R leave:o ) so I guess she plans on stickin' around for a while.

I like the design of the Maxfire speedloaders. Especially so because they have no moving parts to break. Check them out if haven't yet, www.dillonprecision.com. Also, they are well within my fairly low budget.

I just ordered a Fobus Kydex holster. Got the standard, not the roto, so as to stay within the holster guidelines. I have some 4" K-frame leather around, so it's not the only holster I'll have (in case I don't like it) but as this is a DAO/hammerless gun, I though a Kydex open top might be worth a try. It is a paddle holster, BTW, so it will meet the "no offset/no daylight" requirements.

Can you give me a line on good speedloader carriers? I have an Uncle Mike's nylon universal type double carrier. The problem is being the universal it is a bit ungainly and not fitted. I ordered one of the HKS medium size leather double carriers, but again it is a snap close type so kinda slow. I know the skeletal-type spring steel holders are not rulebook-legal. Any good ones to recommend?

As far as the gun, it's already DAO, and I think that, at least for now, I'll stick to the 4" barrel. The local 'smith quoted about $50-$65 for a good thorough cleaning/basic action tune. That should be good enough to start. Being a police trade-in, it has very large Pachmayr grips on it now. I think I'll go with Hogue Monogrips as they are low-profile but still hand-filling, and fully releived for speedloaders.

You've been a big help so far. Thanks very much. Anything else you have to offer would be just great.
I have not tried the Maxfire speedloader. Largely because the Safariland work so well and the Maxfires get such poor reviews from the shooters who have used them.

A Fobus holster will get you started.

I use Ready Tac kydex gear. I shoot with the maker; and he turns out a nice speedloader cup:

If he should be backed up on orders, Blade Tech is good, though more expensive. I'd just get their pouch and carry the third in a vest pocket.

I don't know what the other kydex benders offer the sixgunner.

There is an IDPA board; not real busy but you can get a discussion going there.
Great info.

Thanks for the great info. I like how low-profile those carriers are, and that they appear to be very fast/easy to access.

I'm a bit wary of kydex to be honest. This will be my first try with kydex gear and I'm willing to give it a fair shot. The traditionalist part of me is just having a tough time giving up the leather:o .

I'll probably pick up a set of Ready-Tac carriers soon. I like the design a bit better than the Blade-Tech. That will give me complete sets of gear in both kydex and leather, so I can experiment or mix and match to find what works better. Lots of the guys that have started with kydex here (lots of private purchase holsters once people found out how stupid the thigh holsters were) are converts for life and swear by it.

Thanks again.
I hope you have better luck with the Fobus than I did, I just couldn't seem to get the gun out of the holster. I have the Bade-tecs and I am real happy with them, they are pretty high dollar though.
I would suggest safariland speed loaders, compII. Thats what I carried as an LEO with a 6 shooter, and still use the same ones in IDPA. The leather snap holders are not that slow, they are rigin enough so you do not have to fumble.
Thanks again.

I've heard about Blade-Tec gear, but wanted to try a low-price intro to kydex, then maybe upgrade later if I like it. Like I said, not the only holster I have, just something to try out.

I think that I'll stick with the leather carrier for now, and then look for new speedloader carriers when I decide which loader I really want to use. Gonna have to try a few I think.

I don't think it will really make a huge a difference for the first few matches anyway, until I get comfortable with the rules and the procedures. It's just an exciting thing because I've always been a "gear guy". I like new toys.:cool:

Thanks for all the advice from everyone. I should be home from Iraq in June and plan to shoot my qualifier in June/July. Plenty of time to do more gear research and make sure that the leather and kydex guys stay in business:D

EDIT: I've heard that with Fobus and Uncle Mike's kydex/thermoplastic, it can be a big help to twist the gun butt towards your body as you draw, as it frees up the trigger guard to clear the holster. Anyone else here this?
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I've had a Fobus paddle for a 686, an Uncle Mike's for a Glock, and a cheap injection-molded Blade-Tech for a Glock. The major problem with the Fobus design is that there is no adjustability to the tension, which causes some to fit too tight, some too loose, and a few just right. Mine was just right. I have never drawn from any of those holsters any way but straight up, smartly, and it's always worked and been fast. Out of all 3, the best is probably the Uncle Mike's, (also the cheapest) but I don't think they make them for any revolvers other than J frames.:rolleyes:
Uncle Mike's kydex.

No, no Uncle Mike's for anything but J-frame. I picked up the Fobus pretty cheap. (www.cheaperthandirt.com, $19.00) If it doesn't work out, I'm not out much dough. As it is a universal for K and L frames, I imagine mine will fit on the loose side, which might make it easier. If not, I have a pretty nice older Galco OWB to fall back on. One of my favorites anyway. Just thought I'd give the kydex a try since most people speak pretty highly of it. I also like the idea of reholstering with a rigid holster.