5.7x28mm cartridge is “non-sporting”


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Before we begin our feature
on FN’s high-tech P-90
submachinegun, let us
be crystal clear: None of the
products being shown are
available to civilians or even
individual police officers.
They may only be purchased
by legitimate law enforcement
entities. The BATF has ruled
that the 5.7x28mm cartridge
is “non-sporting” and cannot
be sold outside of law enforcement agencies.[/quote]

what does sporting have to do with ammo selection?


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
Old news - we've discussed this before if you search for it.

Anyway, the round is supposed to pierce body armor and that is a no-no for handguns.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Title 18, UNITED STATES CODE, CHAPTER 44
as amended by Public Law 103-322
The Violent Crime and Law Enforcement
Act of 1994
(enacted September 13, 1994)
18 U.S.C. CHAPTER 44
§ 921(a)(17)(B) the term 'armor piercing ammunition' means --

(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium; or [/quote]

The SS190 loading for the 5.7x28mm FN cartridge has a steel penetrator, and it will chamber in the FN FiveseveN pistol. Hence, it runs afoul of the above mentioned legislation. The BATF could make an exception for the SS190 loading for industrial or 'sporting' use, but so far the 5.7x28mm FN cartridge is only chambered in LEO/military oriented weapons. If FN (or someone else) were to offer a 5.7x28mm loading which uses a standard lead-core projectile, it should be perfectly legal for those of us amongst the unwashed masses.
Well you know, there is a plus to this "non-sporting" business. It goes like this.

Consider WACO, and the allegation that the ATF agents were actually wounded/killed by friendly fire. If the ammo found in the wounds were indentified as "LEO ONLY", then it would prove without a shadow of a doubt, where the "killer bullets" came from.
Of course that's a great assumption that the coroner's report wouldn't be "doctored up" (no pun intended).

Best Regards,

"The day I turn in my own countrymen, will be the day I put a bullet in my own head".
--George Harris, Patriot Games--
Good deal! That means that all of us can legally own this catridge & platform because it is specifically covered under Miller vs US as "suitable for militia weapons."?
same deal here:
.82S x 24 - Ammunition
The LW7.82S x 24 System starts with the unique and highly flexible 7.82S x 24 ammunition. This cartridge is the
result of 11 years of research at the forefront of Special Forces close combat ammunition and its development currently
stands as a low volume, production technology demonstrator. The 7.82S x 24 cartridge effectively combines extremely
low felt recoil forces with a flat trajectory. Add the ability to fire true armor piercing payloads and a muzzle velocity that
is higher than any compatible ammunition in its class (typically 2400 fps - 50 grain bullet) and you have a world beating
combination. More importantly for the end user, the easy manufacture translates into low ammunition costs

From discussion with end user groups, this system will only be made available to Police Military and government units. http://www.leitner-wise.com/lw782sx24.html