4th of July

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I got an email from a fellow that lives in Salt Lake - I met him last 4th of July while conducting a family tradition...

While I may cover my heart and sing the National Anthem - I shall not recite the pledge of alegence... Long Story there.

On the 4th, my family goes to a certain park. We have a picnic and celebrate as usual... but we include reading out loud the story of the Tree of Liberty, and the Boston Tea Party, then we read the Holy Declaration and the Bill of rights... Children wearing Tri-Cornered hats, and carry muskets and such... indian face paint and we all then dump some tea into the water.
Thats my family's tradition.

This fellow had seen that - and some time later we came into contact via business... He remembered seeing me at the park last year and asked if I was going to do that again...
Then he asked - very timidly if he could come along as well and bring his young kids.
The more the better.
My new goal?
Get the COMUNITY in on it.
Down side...
That'll be a lot of Tea.
Expect August tea prices to be a touch highter. :D

Hmmm... Possible 4th of July TFL gathererings across the country... 5,000+ folks all doing that - That would rock!
:D :D :D