4th of July. Freedom is not free $

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New member
This post should probably be in the General or Political but not everyone reads these forums. I¡¦ve posted this message in the Rifle, Pistol and Hunting Forums and if you have to move it I will understand.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. Let us never forget what our forefathers gave for our freedoms. Let us look to our past and never repeat our wrongs and let this country be a shining light to the oppressed around the world.

God Bless America

Guys and Gals,

We as shooters and hunters are in a fight to keep our sports alive. The anti-gun and hunting groups will use anything at their disposal to stop our sports and take our constitutional rights (2nd Amendment). Lies mean nothing to them.

I¡¦ve heard the talk and seen the bumper stickers.

But I¡¦d like to ask these questions.

What are you doing?

„h Are you a member of the NRA or other lobbing group?
„h Have you sent donations to fight the anti¡¦s encroachment?
„h Do you vote?
„h Are all your family and friends registered to vote?
„h Have you written you elected officials in congress?
„h Is your wife a member of the NRA? You get two magazines this way.
„h Talk Shows hosts and TV Shows? Do you still support companies that advertise on shows that hosts are anti-gun and or hunting? It would be nice for someone to list such advertisers and then speak with your pocket book.
„h At Gun Shows there is usually someone taking donations for the NRA do you help? A buck from everyone would make difference.
„h Are you an ethical hunter and shooter?

I recently purchased a new rifle and I made my mind up that with this purchase and all future ones I'll give at least 10% of the purchase price to the NRA-ILA or use that money to purchase membership in the NRA for someone. What I¡¦m going to due is pay the membership for my niece and her husband. They were recently married and still in college and I¡¦ll keep this up till they¡¦re out of school.

Will you stand with me and do the same with purchases and what about those that spending thousands $$$$ on a hunt? Would you be willing to do the same or something $$.

To put it plan and simple, It takes money to fight against the anti¡¦s which have a large war chest.

The following quote is posted above my desk

In the darkest hours of WWII when tyranny had swept over Europe and Great Britain stood alone on her Island fortress a great leader spoke these words.

¡§we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,¡¨

Winston Churchill
June 4, 1940
House of Commons

Let us defend our Constitution and it will cost dollars. But let us not say I wish I had done more when the 2nd Amendment and others are gone. If you don¡¦t think it can¡¦t happen here ask the Australians, Canadians and the British.

We must never, never, never give up the fight to preserve or God given rights.

You all have a good day and a great 4th of July.

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