4in 629


New member
Well I just bought a new 629 4in and need holster recommendations. I need two holsters really, one for hunting and one for concealed carry.
Blackhawks multi position leather holster is the best hip holster I have use for my 629. Check out the bandoleer chest holster at Sporysmansguide. I carried mine all hunting season and it was much more comfortable and convenient than a hip holster.
I carry a 4 inch 629 IWB daily in a holster from Lobo Holsters, I like it a lot


I also have a Simply Rugged Pancake for a Ruger GP100 (not quite as big, but close to the 629) that I also like a lot. It has the IWB straps on it.

Nice thing about the Simply Rugged pancake is, you could use it for both IWB and OWB.