.475 Wildey Magnum

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I have one of the Wildey pistols, but it's a .45 Win Mag. can't help with data for the .475 Wildey Mag round, sorry. If I remember correctly, the case was formed from .284 Win rifle brass, originally.

I might be able to answer some questions about the Wildey pistol, though, if they're not too technical, maybe...:rolleyes:

The adjustable gas system is truly unique and can allow the pistol to operate on almost any load level.
I have not even so much as picked one up in my hands but I've long been fascinated, especially with that adjustable gas system.

The part that always seemed a little odd to me was the DA/SA system. I mean... okay, I guess! :D Just seemed like an odd place for a long double action trigger.
The Wildey "Survivor" is a curious mixture of features that leaves a lot of us wondering, "just what was he thinking???"

Some are the things found on "combat/service pistols" and some aren't. It's not exactly like anything else I know of.

As far as I know, my gun is typical of all the Wildeys, but there may be slight variants, besides just different calibers.

My gun is referred to in the paperwork (manual) as "Survivor" but that name is not on the gun, which just says Wildey.

Measured muzzle to boltface, my gun has a 7" barrel but it looks shorter.

The trigger is DA/SA and quite heavy DA pull, and moderately heavy SA with a long "free take up". There is no usual half cock on the hammer. There is a "safety notch" which holds the hammer off the firing pin, at what I would call "quarter cock" position.

The safety lever is on the frame, and goes DOWN for ON. This also drops the hammer to the 1/4 cock notch. With the safety ON, you can DA the gun, but the hammer drops to the safety notch position, and does not hit the firing pin. With the safety ON you cannot thumb cock the gun, the hammer will not stand at full cock.

Interestingly, with safety ON and the hammer down in the "1/4 cock position, taking the safety OFF drops the hammer all the way down (on to the firing pin). This short drop is not enough to fire the gun. With the safety OFF, the gun can be fired DA, or thumb cocked and fired SA.

The gun is stainless steel with decent adjustable sights, the rear blade is darkened and the front sight on my gun is a red colored metal.

The magazine catch is a heel type clip. Very positive, but not something a speed shooter will like. ;)

Disassembly and reassembly are a bit complex, requiring the gun be held upside down and needed no small amount of hand strength, detailed instructions are in the owner's manual, as is are cautions about easing the slide forward until its no longer under spring tension, and one about bolt disassembly which states "all screws are assembled with loctite".

I've never taken my down, (haven't shot it a lot, no need so far) so I can't tell you any tricks or traps from personal experience. What I can tell you is that someone with small hands or weak hands would have a very difficult time doing it.

This isn't a gun for everyone. Not even close.

I have set the gas system for the ammo I last used (Win factory ammo) its interesting and simple, but requires a few test rounds. Basically, you shut the gas system off, then open it two clicks, load one round, and fire. Repeat firing with only one round in the gun, opening the gas system up one click at a time, until the slide locks back. Repeat firing one round with that setting, to verify the slide locks open. Then open it one more click, load a full magazine and fire. The gun should cycle. If it doesn't, open the gas system one more click and try again.

With practice (and taking notes of the clicks) you can adjust the gun to run on full magnum loads or light plinkers and back, by hand, no tools needed.

Note the gun is HEAVY and the grip is large. I wear a size 9 work glove, and the grip is very hand filling for me. right at the upper limit of what I can manage. If your hands are smaller, you might have difficulty.

I have no idea how many Wildeys were made, my gun's serial number is a few hundred below 3000.

This thread is from 2015 and compars the Wildey with other magnum semi autos I have.
You might also note he picked it up at a post office...not something ordinary folks could do, even back when that movie was made...:rolleyes:

along with a bunch of other factual mistakes in that movie....entertainment? yes...accurate? not so much....