47 senators want guns in national parks

I am glad they are pushing for that. I figure it makes us safer. I imagine if that poor girl who disappeared on New Year's Day and apparently got killed by some roving fellow in his 60's would have probably been better off if not only had she had her black lab, but had she also posessed a .38 snubby to augment the situation in her favor.
From NYT editorial

“As so often happens when guns are in question, the senators have forgotten to insist upon the rights of the vast majority of citizens, who choose not to carry guns.”

NYT Editorial

How the hell does you exercising your right to carry violate my right to not carry? Where do these people come from?:confused:
NYT Editorial said:
The old adage used to be that there were plenty of gun laws, they just had to be enforced. These days, most gun laws are under unrelenting attack, thanks to the National Rifle Association’s unbridled influence in Congress and the state legislatures.
Oh, there are plenty of gun laws, and they should be under attack. We don't need to enforce the gun laws we already have; we need to get rid of most of them.

As for the NRA, if they have "unbridled influence," then they need to hurry up and use it to get the laws of '86, '68, and '34 repealed.
Is the Appalachian Trail (sp) considered a state park?? Wouldn't want to take a long hike without my gun on that.

Parts of it are, and parts of it aren't. You have to be careful walking it to make sure you are armed only on the parts it is legal.
“As so often happens when guns are in question, the senators have forgotten to insist upon the rights of the vast majority of citizens, who choose not to carry guns.”

NYT Editorial

How the hell does you exercising your right to carry violate my right to not carry? Where do these people come from?

Interestingly, not to start a new off-topic thread, this argument could apply to smoking or somthing else intrusive, but clearly not to guns. When smoking in public, a non smoker may come in contact with the smoke and could feel that his right to not smoke was being infringed upon. ........But if someone else became aware I was carrying in a state park, it may just be to save his butt, as he got too close to a bear for a photo, and I was saving his stupid butt from being the bear's lunch with my weapon
When I first heard it on CNN it was introduced as "Senators WANT you to carry guns in public parks". How more devisive can the liberal media be in misleading the public right from the get go. They might as well have said "Killers will be roaming around public lands hunting innocent warm and fuzzy people who REALLY love the land if the evil gun freindly politicians get their way" :barf:. Do people not have enough sense to know that public parks have dangerous wild animals and even a few BG's that we might need a little protection from?
Good Deal.

I hope this one passes.
I'd spend a lot more time at some of my favorite parks if I could carry with me. I still visit them now and again, but near as much as I'd like.
This would also make me more comfortable in Nat'l. Forests. I spend a lot of time hunting/fishing in Nat'l. Forest areas and believe me anyplace there's trout or salmon a bear gun is a good thing to have:eek:

Hope to see this one go through. One more reversal of henious rights erosion. This one may be more important in principle than in practice.
I hope this one passes.
I'd spend a lot more time at some of my favorite parks if I could carry with me. I still visit them now and again, but near as much as I'd like.
This would also make me more comfortable in Nat'l. Forests. I spend a lot of time hunting/fishing in Nat'l. Forest areas and believe me anyplace there's trout or salmon a bear gun is a good thing to have

Hope to see this one go through. One more reversal of henious rights erosion. This one may be more important in principle than in practice.

Federal law prohibits CCW with a valid state license in National Parks.

National Forests on the other hand, are ok to CCW as long as you have a valid CCW License in that state where the National Forest is located.
It is VERY important to let your Senators know how you feel about legal CCW in National Parks.

A sample letter or email to your Senator can be seen here:


An contact email address or contact mail address for your Senators can be found here:


This LITERALLY should only take you 5 minutes or so MAX write an email to your Senators with the above information.

The more Senators that hear from us, the more likely this legislation will get passed.