$465 good price for Trijicon TA01?

Depends on the condition and age. If that the one currently on Ebay? exactly 4 of them, trades from PD, I would say is a little expensive. About 3 weeks ago, I tried to sell my 8 months old TA01 for $500 and nobody wanted it, since then the new price up from $580 to $620, and I decided to keep it for my next AR.
Yup, the 4 on Ebay were the ones I was looking at.

You say a little high because of what exactly? The age? Photos look like they are in OK condition.

Is just my personal preference. Too risky to buy PD trades without checking the condition. $465 with the TA51 mount and bikini cover is like a 30% off the street price of a brand new setup. I would rather pay around $500 for a newer LNIB one, plus another $50 for a new mount and $12 for the cover. Checkout the AR15 Exchange forum and you may find what you want. Like I said, this is just my opinion.

LEO just don't kiss their issued TA01 GoodNight like we do, right?