460s&w factory ammo


New member
I have been trying to find time to develop a load for my 460xvr 8-3/8 to use this season on whitetail and hopefully a black bear. I have all the components I just dont have the time to do the job as of now. Can someone recommend a good factory load for the job? Options might be good as availability of loads is questionable. I am very pleased with the performance of the 200gr Hornady on paper but Im told they make a poor hunting round due to fragmentation.
Shots will likely be under 150yds on 100-120lb (FD) deer. Bear is secondary as Im not expecting it.
Sorry if this is bringing up a dead thread - delete if it is.

I have had excellent results with both the Hornady and the Federal Premium Vital shock.
You might want to try the Federal Fusions. I've had great luck with Fusions in other calibers. I know they aren't loaded as hot as the Hornadys are though.