460 for Whitetail


New member
I almost have my 460xvr setup for the fall hunt. I am planning on shooting the 200gr FTX Hornady. Has anyone hit a deer with one? Any suggestions on what a good bullet and shot placement would be?
Until now I have been using a 30-06 with the Federal Premium 165 Sierra Game Kings. CM shots drop with 1 step or less every time. I should mention Deer in NE PA where I hunt are field dressed around 110-130lbs. I like to make clean kills, but I also want to have something left to put in the freezer. A 200gr expanding bullet at 2200fps+- is similar in energy as the 30-06
Lot of bullet for a medium size deer.(200gr) At those speeds mentioned (2200) it shouldn't do all that much damage energy wise coming and going thru a animal. More than likely a little easier on the meat situation than that 165gr. 06 bullet which is much faster & a smaller bullet that expands much more readily. As far as a good spot. Like always just behind the shoulder a tad high or in the middle of that White Patch seen just below a deer's lower jaw located on its neck. Either spot and you'll have that deer in short order. (very little if any tracking needed)

I have never had a problem with the -06, no tracking involved. My concern with the 200gr ftx is more over expansion. I dont want to have a hamburger laying in the woods.
The 200 gr FTX, while a great round for the range or varmints, is not really a deer round. At close range, they tend to blow up without decent penetration. This is my experience. Stick with something like the 240 or 300 Gr XTP-MAGS or Speer's 300 gr Deep Curl if you reload jacketed. If you are shooting factory, get something with a thicker jacket than the FTX or use a hard cast load. When shot into sandberms, the FTX expands to the point that it resembles a piece of flat copper foil, whereas the others I mentioned, will mushroom nicely and stay intact.
I hope to use my 460 Encore pistol this hunting season. I was planning to use the Hornady 200 grain rounds. I am pretty much limited to factory ammo. What about Federal fusion? I was sort of hoping to get the Hornady brass, but if it doesn't work well...

Buck, you mention reloading and after reading a few other online sources I wondered if you were using factory Hornady rounds or if you were reloading. If reloading, what velocity were you pushing the 200 grain bullets at?
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I don't have any experience with the 460 but a 210gr hornady xtp @1560fps out of a 41mag kills deer just fine. If your worried about over expansion at higher velocities go with a hardcast bullet and aim for the heart/lung. It may run 30yds or so but it ain't gonna get far.
I have the 460v and have shot one doe with the 200g hornady. It is too much for this sized game. I still carry it with 454 casul at 240?g and even that is overkill. Long story short....if younwant to do it, go ahead. Only downfall with your specific setup is that it is very heavy
I was looking at the 454 after I posted and I think it is what I will end up with for deer. As far as the weight of a 460 gun, the SW revolver are heavy and my Encore isn't light, but in a shoulder holder they carry much better than a long gun IMO. Improvised rest is a good thing though.
BOOGIMAN- If you shoot a groundhog with a .460 Weath, VIDEO IT!!!!! lol
Unfortunately I dont have a 460 Wtb. I do have the 460s&w. I missed a beaver at about 70yds with iron sights off hand. Its scoped now. So next time I see them out Ill try and get another shot.
and shot placement would be?

The highest percentage shot placement for any and all weapons is two lungs. Generally speaking, aim 1/3 up the body so the bullet will exit just behind the leg on the opposite side. Extreme angle shots may require aiming at or even slightly in front of the opposite leg.
Be that as it may, Brian, in my 50 yrs of deer hunting I have found the neck or spinal shot most effective. But I am careful of my shots and wait for the best shot. It's been rare to need more than one shot for me. But that's all a matter technique.