.45acp revolvers


New member
Does anyone make a double action with a 2-3" barrel in 45acp? Would this combo make a good personal defense/carry weapon? I guess my thinking is that the .45 is a proven caliber and reloads would be faster with full moon clips. Maybe I'm thinking wrong??
Smith and Wesson make a 625 in .45acp that uses moon clips. I believe that Lew Horton's and the smith custom shop have some 3" models in stock.
In addition...

...to the aforementioned Lew Horton/Performance Center three-inchers, you may wish to consider a 4" Mountain Gun.
taurus has a 5 shot 45 colt (roughly the same size gun s the SW L frame I guess)

why they dont offer a 45 acp version with moon clips is beyond me

why smith doesnt do it either i dont know
Two awesome things about a short barrel N frame is that they are the most admired handgun among fellow gunners and the most feared among dirt bags on the draw. There is no doubts when a N frame is on the draw and the series of events that are about to follow. Six shots, more than enough to do any job! Carry one eight to ten hours a day and it does not feel heavy and never do I feel under gunned.


Robert the41MagFan:

Just so you know, that sixgun is da' bomb. :D

You're right, when you conjure a stainless N-frame out of nowhere, you immediately have the undivided attention of everyone in the room. They have quite a bit of presence.

a big & heavy gun to carry around just to fire six shots.
Ammo capacity is nice and all, but it's where the rounds go that counts. No pistol I've ever owned puts big bullets on target as fast and accurately as my 625. Yeah, it's a big launch platform for 6 .45 ACP slugs. A full-size Gov't Model is a big and heavy launch platform for eight. You can't miss fast enough to make up for poor shot placement, though, and some handguns just make the task of proper shot placement that much easier.
Roberts 45acp

Wondered how old that 625 pictured is, as I see it's got the old release ? Does it also have the old hammer ? I have been thinking about getting a 45acp revolver. Looking at a Mountain Gun, or maybe one of the 3" like you have in the picture. Any input on the Mountain Gun vs. the 3" 45 acp. I also have a 3.5" Model 27, that I shoot in IDPA, and the Mountain Gun would fit my same Holster that is made for the 4" tapered barrel. I guess 3, 3.5, or 4" are about the same. Just wondering if you have compared yours and the
Mountain Gun. I'd like the old style hammer, but I guess they can be pretty much tuned equally.

PS; that is a great picture, a digital camera ? Nice Holster !

...you can use various types of ammo with your .45ACP revolver. .45 Auto Rim, .45ACP loads that won't feed well in most autos (cheap semiwadcutter reloads come to mind), and even .45 Super, I think. Plus, for how many other revovlers can you buy hardball ammunition? :)

Say, does anyone know where I might be able to find a Sellout & Weasel 625 in new condition? (not going to buy from S&W directly, though...they have to learn)
Wayne--Robert's 625 is a three-inch barreled gun from the "1989"-marked run, I do believe...even more scarce than the three-inch, full-lugged version in Robert's pic is the FOUR-INCH barreled gun with the same "1989" rollmarks...very few made...like 1,500 or so, can't remember exactly..its' been a LONG day!!!
Tamara, you have "made the case for" the 625 very succinctly and accurately...of all the moon-clipped revo's, they are MY personal favorites...kinda addicting, to be truthful...I presently "covet" a four-inch "Mountain Gun" to go with my others!!!....mikey357
Wayne, the gun is a 625-3 made sometime in late 1989 along with 342 other brother and sisters just like it. All of the production in 89' were 625-2, the -3 had the longer stop notch on cylinder modification which was officially introduced into 1990 production. Other than this modification, it is essentially the same as the -2, including the chrome finish hammer and trigger and hammer mounted firing pin.

It's a very accurate revolver and although I'm not a advocate of long shots with snob nose guns, this gun can consistently hit bowling pins at 50 yards with ease (A mild exaggeration, but some of the people that I go shooting with seem to think so. One day we were shooting some burners and we set some pins at fifty yards. Shot four pins in a row, four for four and stopped while I was ahead. Let everyone awe for a while. I was not going to try for five!).

The Mountain gun has a longer sight radius for better accuracy, but the lack of metal will reward you with heavier recoil and slower follow-up shots. And since its an inch more tube to pull from a holster, slower draw times. No such thing as the perfect gun. That is why the guy (or gal) with the most toys always wins. About three of these puppies would be perfect, but then there are other caliber! Too many guns, not enough money.

Thanks Tamara! :D

Thanks to everyone for the input. I knew S&W made one, wondering why Tarus doesn't make it in thier titanium model?
Have yet to see a used 625 for sale in my area and with the current situation with S&W I am hesitant to buy new.
The S7W .45ACP revolvers are superb revolvers. The Model 1950 Target, the Model 25 and 26 and the current Model 625 are some of the best revolvers ever made, accurate, reliable, powerful and very fast to reload.
Robert !!!

I'm looking at distances used in IDPA, generally no more than 60Ft, and that is usually only on the classifier, so probably not much difference 3 or 4".

Anybody know the weight difference, between the 3" Heavy barrel, and the 4" Mountain Gun ??

Would there be any real reason to find an older 652-2 or 3, vs. one of the recent production 3" 625's.

If I decide to go with one, it will be a toss up between the 3", and Mountain Gun !!

These are IDPA machines!


S&W 646PC 40S&W


S&W 610 10mm/40S&W

There are no current production 625 45acp revolvers with three inch barrels and there has not been any for a while. Only current production option for IDPA is the Mountain Gun. Don't even think that the Performance Center's 625 V-Comp or Jerry Miculek gun qualify because they both have barrel lengths longer than four inches. Own just about every config N Frame except the MG, but have fired them numerous times. The three inch gun like mine and the MG weigh about the same, but the Mountain Gun jumps more when fired. Don't know the technical merits as to why, but it just does.

well, WAYNE

From what I remember 39oz. sticks in my head for the weight of the Mtn.Gun and 41 oz. for the 3" full-lug 625. With the target loads you'll be using I doubt that the weight difference will be much of a factor but the extra inch
COULD be. My 3" Smiths are very accurate and don't suffer
for being chopped-off.
Which ever one you choose I'll bet you'll be back for more.
You just can't go wrong with .45 ACP revolvers and as Dewey said above about being back for more.

I picked up my first .45 ACP revo when the original batch of 5" first came out. I added a 3" 625 when they came out and a few years later I found an exceptionally clean 1955 Target to add to my stable.

Here is a pic of my 3" and 5" 625's along with my 3" 629 that was from that first batch of 3" 629's that Lew Horton did.

Thanks all, for letting get my questions in on SK's note !

I'll have to see what I come up with, I'll let you know !

I have always thought of how nice it would be to have a Taurus Total Titanium in 45ACP. Nice for the light weight, nice for the large caliber, and nice for those of us who already shoot something else in 45ACP. I am tempted to get the 45LC model, but if I could get one in 45ACP, it just may be the prod I need to get serious about it.

I have a 629 which I have loaded with .44 special. According to the ballistics charts, it is nearly identical with the .45 auto (similar weight/velocity/similar bore size). I saw a recent Evans/Marshall article which showed the .45 auto to have superior performance (90%+ one stop shots, vs. 75% for the .44 special). What would account for the greater performance in the .45 auto?