454 Casull

N110 is N110, both are from Vihtavuori. H110 is different, sold by Hodgdon, and is a little bit slower than N110. H110 is the same powder as Winchester 296, only different from lot to lot. Using H110 data for N110 loadings could lead to over-pressure loads.
Reloading 454 Casull. 240gr XTP Mag

Is VIHT N-110 and N110 the same powder?
N-110 and N110 is the samw powder made by Vihtavouri ... I have seen it listed with and without the - (hyphen)

H-110 or H110 is a different powder made by Hodgdon ... I have seen it listed both ways , with and without the - (hyphen)

Loading data not interchangable N-110 and H-110 are totaly different powders with their own seperate loading data .

This reloading stuff Can Get confusing !

Good Question !
I have been using H110 but concerned about hunting in negative temperatures.

Thought I would try N110 but ran into concerns. Lyman manual shows N110 @26.8 to28.3 grains. Then Hornady manual shows VIHT N-110@ 28.4 to 32.4 gr

That threw a flag up for me and don’t want even think of pressure concerns with this caliber
I have been using H110 but concerned about hunting in negative temperatures.

I had my 454 stored in the truck a couple weeks ago when we had several nights of -30 F. The elk showed up to munch on our haystacks on a day that hit -15 for a high. I used my 454 loaded with 360 gr bullets over a stout load of H110 as a scare gun. With no problems. Couldn’t touch the steel with bare skin it was so cold.