454 casull


New member
No moose on my alaska trip, saw loads of cows. Where I was hunting it was three brow tines. I saw one legal bull but let it pass, that moose although legal was no more than 40 inches on therack .. I would be ashamed. Let him grow up..
Well had big brown come out way up in the bush.. Now I am thinking forget the 44 mag and buy the ruger super redhawk 454 casull.
Talk me out of it please, or into it
Thank you my friends
Oh I am not a trophy hunter but regardless of the law of three brow tines, if it is notat lleast 50 inches, let him grow up i think. That's my take. I hear the 454 is brutal recoil. Also the bear didn't bother me nor I him, but looking at the size.. Maybe 454 is best
No moose on my alaska trip, saw loads of cows. Where I was hunting it was three brow tines. I saw one legal bull but let it pass, that moose although legal was no more than 40 inches on therack .. I would be ashamed. Let him grow up..

Well had big brown come out way up in the bush.. Now I am thinking forget the 44 mag and buy the ruger super redhawk 454 casull.

Talk me out of it please, or into it

Thank you my friends

I love the 454 Casull. If you reload, there are several levels of bullets to use from 240 gr to well over 300 gr. The velocity makes it a lot more powerful than a 44 Magnum. The Super Redhawk is heavy, and it handles recoil very well.

I have the 7.5" SRH which is more than enough for what you're wanting to take down. I also have the 5" Toklat and 2.5" Alaskan.

I just added a 9.5" 58 ounce Ruger SRH 44 Magnum to my stable but it will require a Bandolier. It will handle recoil very easily, too, because of the weight.


One can not have enough wheelguns, particularly in the 44 Magnum and Over category.



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Cdr how beautiful those guns are thank you so much.. By the way guys alaska doubled their out of state license. 960 bucks for moose.. License is 160 moose tag is 800 ouch :)
Well I just got my 454 casull super redhawk. Beautiful gun, recoil is tough for these old hands but I can manage fine. I only want it for big bear protection while fishing. The 45 long colt is a pleasure to shoot. I havemany oother guns for target, this was for only a specific purpose, I may however deer hunt sometime with it. Thanks for all the great info
Beautiful guns i been thinking of the 5 inch should I go with the 7.5

7.5 is great if you're hunting or at a distance. You will get the velocity out of a long barrel.

Drawing it is much slower if you needed it in a pinch. The 5" is a great compromise if you're hunting at less than 75 yards and in.


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Got the five inch super redhawk, I like they give you scope rings with it. I probably willjjust use the iron for deer hunting but that was a nice bonus.. Toklat is a beautiful gun
I've got two Casulls, a single action BFR and a double action Raging Bull, both with 5" barrels. I recontoured the grips on the Taurus to relieve the area where the web of my hand makes contact, and it helped a tremendous amount. Very, very comfortable now.


The BFR seems less finicky about the loads it likes, but I've been able to find very accurate loads for both revolvers. My stoutest loads are 340 grainers at 1200 fps, and I feel certain that is enough for anything I'll need it for.
