450 marlin/45-70 guide gun


New member
i am building a new scout rifle based on the new marlin 450 cartridge.its essentally the 458 america case with a longer belt.i am going to build it on a winchester controlled round post 64 action with a walther barrel and the ashley foward mount and ashley sights for a backup.this would make it just as handy as the marlin guide gun in a bolt action.if i can build these in a take down rifle would anyone be interested.?its just a concept i had but i think it would go over well.any takers?
I had quite some dialog with Eric Ching over a year ago about a .45-70 scout-type bolt gun. I was interested in procuring a sturdy but fairly cost-effective piece. Eric suggested these rifles as platforms:...the Siamese Mauser (of course), the P-14 Enfield (originally chambered for the .303 British),
and the Mosin-Nagant (originally chambered for the 7.62x54R)

Personally, I (and probably many others) would be interested if the rifle was handy and sturdy enough to fire Garrett's heaviest loads. I would hate to lose the utility of firing lesser .45-70 loads, and so would prefer that caliber.

In addition, cost is a factor for me, as a heavy-duty autoloader is still more of a "tactical priority". :)

Keep us advised, regardless!
Hmmmm, sounds interesting, but alas I am poor so price would factor in my decision to buy one. I really want .450Marlin. BTW, does the .450Marlin chamber the 45/70.

My goal in life is to collect all the but the most obselete .45 caliber variants.

no the marlin is a belted cartridge.any comercial action could be built upon .remington winchester ruger.just to name a few.they should all be able to handle much more pressure than any lever action.it puts the 4570 to shame even with hot loads.
Futo Inu. I think Marlin was worried about people hot-rodding the 45-70 round in the regular 1895's. I am also of the opinion that the .450 marlin is just a commercialized version if the wildcat .458-2inch American. A cartrdge developed by Frank Barnes, of CARTRIDGES OF THE WORLD fame.
Is there a "real" need for the round? I think not, but then I don't see any real need for rounds like the .30-378 Wby, .300 RUM,etc. Guess it's just a case of wanting the newest hot shot wonder.
Paul B.
you are correct that the 450 marlin is simular to the .458 america.it has a larger belt though and i really feel that it can be hot rodded to be a great cartidge if people just look at it and give it a chance.to many people are just overlooking it thinking its just another cartidge.ps marlin does approve of cartridges from garrett that are hot rodded in the .45.70