450 civilian police to be sent to Kosovo


New member
According to the API, The minister of propoganda,,oops wrong reich,,, Secratary of State M.Albright is sending 450 CIVILIAN police officers. 100 by July 15th. Another 100 advisor,,,oops strike that, adivsors were vietnam,,,,trainers, yeah thats what they call them this time, trainers, are to be sent to train,,,,,get this,,,,,KLA members as police officers.

How the hell do you spell oberfurer and underfurer anyhow? Sheeet this reich doesn't even have snappy uniforms.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 01, 1999).]
Maybe they'll send the batf and the waco killers,,,,of course the sniper that killed mrs weaver, lon hariouchi(sp), get em out of our hair...fubsy.
Gee, Guys, it's the Haitian deja vu all over again! Does anyone believe we'll see better results?

How many billion bucks wuz that? Dollar bills, that is, not deer. We pay to blow 'em up, we pay to rebuild 'em.

Ran across a news article that the Europeans are working busily to ensure no US companies get in on the re-construction in the Balkans. The US taxpayer gets to pay, but Brown&Root and RMK don't get to hire...

"Ah feel yore pain"...
This has been going on for a long time. We sent civilians of all types to Vietnam.

We have had a civilian police training program going on in Bosnia since we've been involved over there. I know an Illinois State Trooper who was over there (Bosnia) for almost a year.

I think we'll be there for a very long time.

MAny months ago I saw some info on a company out of Virginia that was accepting applications for spots to go over to Kosovo. The company was hiring on behalf of the UN. They had a list of requirments, mostly they were looking for traineers. They listed several specialties, the one that was curiosly missing was firearms.
I called them and asked them about their list and found out that the LEOs going over would not be armed, nor would the "police" they'd be training. The people I talked to were not political, but they mae it pretty clear that the UN was planning on limiting the number of guns in the area.

The last person I talk ed to about this was Bob Brown (SOF mag), and he was going to put something in his magazine about it, although he thought the whole thing was a joke... He is over there right now with a team of photographers and I guarentee you that they have guns!

(If any LEOs (at least 8 yrs experience) were actually interested in this, I have the info around here somewhere....)

While our police are over there training THEM, I wonder if they (our LEOS) are picking up any bad habits.
This is basically a military occupation where most civil liberties are limited if not entirely suspended. Would a police officer immersed in this environment for an extended period return to stateside duty with a different attitude?
If you wanted to be real cynical, I guess you could wonder who is actually training whom?
So then am I to understand that our local LEO's will be under the command of the UN..?

Gee... that really seems convenient to me. Where will they be stationed next, at home..?

Since when do local police become UN soldiers... I guess I had better skip the oil change and buy more ammo!
Shall we play a game?

WTF are civilian police doing in a foreign country, drawing paychecks from the UN?

I am just bubbling with excitement at the thought of some foreign police operating in my home town,paid by the UN, training the local police. (dripping sarcasm) If they do it there, they can do it here.

Att any LEO with over 8 years on the job:
We need you here, not there. Real tough call to make, especially if you need the money.

OTOH, what better way to learn their doctrine, plans, their true activities, etc.? (Dang! ANOTHER problem with two sides...)
7-2-99 650PM EDT No surprise to me. It is just part of NWO move to disarm Albanians whose use to NWO is over. Kosovo is another plum in the New World Order and armed civilians must be eliminated. Banksters have the wealth of Kosovo to plunder,especially the gold mines. Shame on Russia for taking the money and letting Serbia lose Kosovo. by the way, there are foreign police rideing with American police in variuos parts of the country. If the balloon goes up, American police will have to toe the line and cooperate with US UN authorities. Welcome,police of the world, to the NEW World Order.
You know, I could apply for the job since I have well more than 8 years as a LEO. However, while I may be a little slow on the up take, I am not that slow where I would go to another country to train police officers and not be armed. Any LEO that decides to take that job should be committed for suicidal tendancies.

Besides that, before the damned bombing started, the KLA was listed as a terrorist group and a major player in the narcotics trade.


Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 02, 1999).]
Hey, I've got a friend here that went to Yugoslavia in June '96 and was one of the UN civilian cops for 18 months.

As they were paying 80k/year tax free, he stayed an extra 6 months.

The State Dept. has called him TWICE in the last 4 days, trying to get him to go back and do the same thing he was doing around Belgrade and Kristeina 3 years ago. He's thinking about it. He's a retired Dallas cop who was a Dept. Provost Marshall prior to that.

He reports that this is Civilian Police work of the most basic type: investigating petty crimes, sorting out current disputes, or acting as, well, bailiffs for the war crimes tribunals going on. Sometimes they spend a week doing nothing more exciting than traffic direction. The point was, they paired off a local cop-trainee with these professionals (8 years or more) from US and other nations, to teach 'em how to act.

Get this: if Jerry and his buddies were found to be armed at any time, they were to be immediatly deported. Jerry said that many was the time that he would be settling a dispute among a group of Albanians and Serbs, that he was the only one in the room not armed.

I've seen the pictures Jerry brought to show me, and to be honest, these guys look less threatening than British bobbies. Think Public Service Officer that most large cities have.

I sort of wondered about this when I first heard they were going to do this in '95, but my father was also approached by them; he just didn't want to go to Haiti.