45 Keith


New member
Ballisti-Cast #1101

Carnauba Red Lube
Not sure I have any targets shot with this one. I used it in a Liberty Model BH with a 4 5/8 barrel which is a little hard for me to handle. I have some loaded now for a 7 1/2" BH with H-110 so maybe I'll get a target shortly. Firewood & bullets are keeping me covered up for now, 19 outside as I write & I'm going out to take Cracker Barrel a load of wood.

The bullet weighes 'bout 260 grains from wheel weights.
By Liberty Model do you mean it was built in 1976? Proud owner of one in 4 5/8's myself, it's pretty easy to handle if I put 7.5 grs Universal Clays under a 255 Keith. When you're big, tough & heavy you don't need to move very fast. ;) I have a 300 gr XTP load that I built to see what it could really do but I don't enjoy firing them much. Cylinder pin backs out after a few rounds (in spite of a heavier spring) and I develop a flinch after just a few cylinders full. Makes the little gun roar, tho!
Think I'll go pour a few in honor of St Elmer.
By Liberty Model do you mean it was built in 1976? Proud owner of one in 4 5/8's myself

Yes a 1976. This is an old picture so I need to take some more. I've added a new front sight. While this firearm is hard for me to shoot well, I can shoot it a little.

About that cylinder pin ......

Cylinder pin backs out after a few rounds (in spite of a heavier spring)
I had the same problem with my Vaquero. It's a simple fix. Remove the cylinder pin and deepen the groove with a small round file. A 5/32 chainsaw file worked for me and it doesn't take a whole lot of filing to get the desired results. Pathfinder
LAH: do a search on "One Ragged Hole", they make an aperture sight for the rear sight on our revolvers. If you have the presbyopia issues I do it should give you a few-or hopefully a dozen or more-good years hunting with handguns. I'll be ordering one soon for a 94, maybe a few. He went out of business since my last purchase, may need a few for my parts box. Gotta wonder how St Elmer pulled it of at his age...
Pathfinder45: makes sense. When a detent fails, make it bigger. Thanks.
The One Ragged Hole web site has been down a while. I too have these rear sights on my BH in .41 Rem Mag and my GP100.
Here's hoping someone revives these sights and makes them available again.
To prevent "fuzzy" front sight I open the rear sight blade to allow more light on each side. Some of mine you could drive thur. HEE HEE

I'm using the sight on right.
The One Ragged Hole web site has been down a while.-CowTowner

Oops, his designs were pretty simple, mebbe someone will buy them from the current owner. I have a top eject Trapper that lost her receiver sights recently, could really use an aperture on the rear sight.
Working this weekend, CowTowner?
Nice Boolits there TX, maybe Lyman Keiths?

The front sight of my Ruger was too low. A 260 grain bullet at 900 FPS hit high at 25 yards. Slow that bullet to 750-800 & it really hit high so milled the front blade away, cut a dovetail & inserted a higher front sight. Didn't need to blue this way, only the sight. Please note I'm not a gunsmith nor do I play one in the hardwoods.


Reshaped Brownell Sight

Dunno, Cowtowner. Want me to put a bug in someone's ear? Last I heard you were on call. Do they know you're available? Gonna be busy this weekend.

Nailed it, LAH. :) And yes, top bullet is a cull. Loose sprue plate, set screw backed out. It's a super-slow 2-cav but it makes great bullets. I don't shoot much 45 Colt, treat it like a rifle caliber. OTOH I have a new-to-me Uberti Bird's head that needs a good shakedown so I think I'll put these to good use.
Odd thing about the sight, I only shoot 15 yds or so, will check out the 25 yd POI tomorrow. Seem to recall it being very close to dead-on there too. My Keith bullets drop about 250-252 grs and velocity is around 800. Accuracy @ 15 yds is well within minute-of-po'd-boar. POI not anywhere close to my 300 gr XTP rhinorollers but can't recall the specifics.