.45 IWB Holster Advice, Please

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I was at the store the other day, buying a second magazine for my new Ultra Carry, and asked the clerk for his advice on an IWB holster for daily carry. He lead me past the high priced leather and right to the Uncle Mike's display. Since he has shown a stong tendency in the past to promote high-dollar items, I was pretty surprised that he offered me a $10 holster. He claimed that the nylon was cooler, lighter, resisted moisture buildup from sweat, and didn't start smelling like a locker room, as he claimed the leather holsters would. Good arguement, and I can much more easily see myself plunking down a ten spot than the $100 custom-made rig I'd had my eye on. But... if the Uncle Mike's holster is only going to last a couple months and the custom "workman" style rig will last for many years, then I'd invest in the more expensive holster. Feedback? Anything I'm missing in criteria for selecting IWB holsters?



With all due respect to your dealer...I recommend you take a look at an IWB made from kydex. Several outstanding makers (Mad Dog, Blade-Tech, etc) are out there and the prices are reasonable. Oh BTW, moisture will not pass through them PERIOD.

Kydex is pretty much impervious to anything short of a nuclear detonation...I own some of Blade-Tech's products and recommend them. Their IWB is listed for $54.95 plus S&H. Take a look at their website at www.blade-tech.com

Good luck..
I have a Springfield Compact, and I use a Galco Royal Guard, its an IWB made of horse hide. I like it a lot. Tried to use a nylon holster and had problems with it. Can not say about UNcle Mike's products, have not used any. My personal opinion is to go with the one you wear everyday, all day, for a long time. I think leather is the way to go. There are some good products out there for less than $100.

Here are two negatives to nylon for you to consider:

1) It can't be fitted to the contours of the pistol. This means that a nylon holster generally won't give a snug fit and will have to rely upon gravity or straps for retention.

2) Nylon is soft. When you draw from an IWB nylon holster, the soft nylon gets squashed between your waistband and torso, making re-holstering difficult.

If you're looking at CCW, I suggest swallowing hard and making the investment in a good holster (and belt!). Check out Edge Works, Milt Sparks and Kramer.
Stay away from nylon iwb holsters, they don't hold your gun securely, collapse when the gun is out, it's almost impossible to reholster the gun without using your other hand, the entire holster can come out when you draw. Mike Spight is right on the kydex, they're indestructible, very very fast, secure, only $55 plus shipping and handling. Try to stay with Blade Tech or Mad Dog , they're the big boys, you can count on their workmanship. MATT VDW is right also on the leather, Milt Sparks is the best manufacturer of IWB. I have a Summer Special on right now, it carries my Glock 19, underneath a casual cotton short sleeve shirt untucked. Sparks products are a little higher than kydex, but they last a long time also. I've had my other summer special for my 1911 since 1986. It's very comfortable. Check out their website at www.miltsparks.com.
One question about the kydex... okay, make that two:

1) Does it make you sweat more than leather?
2) Does it really scratch up the pistol? I'm treating my Kimber as a carry gun... keeping the gun clean and working are my major concerns, not minor blemishes, but still, I'd rather not abuse the weapon. Opinions?




#1. I don't know as the kydex I use are belt holsters. I have used leather IWBs in the past and they did absorb moisture. I don't really think the holster will make you sweat that much, unless you ain't wearing drawers under your trousers, and you know our Mamas warned us against that (and skid marks).

#2. Yeah, kydex does "rub" the weapon, but then I use SIGs and tissue paper will take the factory finsh off them. For me, it's not an issue. The advantages of kydex (aptly described by Ricky T) outweigh (at least for me) that one point. BTW, leather holsters will also wear a weapon's finish, especially if you carry on a daily basis and practice drawing as often as you should. IMHO, these minor "blemishes" do not constitute abuse...on the contrary, the look of a weapon which shows honest holster wear and use (but is properly cared for) speaks of an owner who practices and knows his business.

PS: Ditto what Ricky T said about Sparks' Summer Special...probably the best, certainly the first decent one. Mitch Rosen's ARG system is also nifty, but is extremely expensive.

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited August 12, 1999).]
So far you have gotten some good suggestions. .02 from my experience. Kydex? MadDog is outstanding. My new Kimber Stainless Target will be getting a Taylor Thunderbolt in short order. I like kydex for my competition rigs.

What I did not like about Kevin's IWB has a lot to do with another point made above, they hook to a belt. Bubba is from Texas. My belts tend to have some different designs with conchos and double leather. These do not work well sliding into molded kydex loops. Clips would be much better. Standard gun belts work fine.

Milt Sparks Summer Special the best?? Not from Sparks it isn't. ;) His VersaMax II is simply outstanding. I love the kydex clips that hook on my pants. With the "J" hok design, I can slip my shirt over the holster between it and the pants and the whole rig is hidden by a lightweight shirt. The clips are hidden by my belt. This allows me to be completly concealed even with a tucked in T-Shirt.

If I could convince MadDog to build his IWB with this "J" hook clip design, I would be estatic. But NOBODY tells Kevin how to build ANYTHING!!! (grin) Right Rich?

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Folks, your replies have been excellent, thanks. As always with my questions here, the answers are concise and well reasoned. I'll mull things over and try to decide between leather and Kydex. I haven't found a Kydex holster online yet which states that it will work with a Kimber Ultra, but I wouldn't be surprised if the ones for Colt Officer's Model worked fine. As for leather, I am a bit worried about the moisture problem; I've seen leather that had a lot of sweat on it get pretty ugly after a while, but on the other hand, having a custom-made holster is pretty appealing. As to the Kydex "scratch" issue, I agree with the writer who pointed out that normal wear doesn't equal "abuse" of the gun... heck, since I'm practicing disassembly and reassembly with my eyes closed, the gun is already showing some minor scratches and so forth... it won't shoot any less well because of it!

Love'n that Kimber....


Jorah: Thanks...you'll make a good decision that is best for you. Bubba's point about J-hooks is a good one...Blade-Tech does make their IWB with that option, IIRC.

I agree with the Kydex crowd if your criteria are practical ones, as they seem to be. In addition to mad dog and blade-tech, be sure to check out sidearmor and the makers of the "ITP" holsters -what is their name - somebody help me - they also make leather...they have a "tuckable" model ITP much like the Blade-Tech UCH. On this one and the UCH both, I recommend dremelling off the full front piece that comes from under the belt to about 1/3 or 1/4 its original height, in order to turn it into a "J-hook". Still works perfectly, but less visible to the public.

Oh yeah, and you lucky dog - I want an Ultra Carry, too.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 13, 1999).]
I am all for leather. I would stay away from Uncle Mikes or the nylon in the waist bands just casue they don't hold your gun that secure. I am partial to the Alessi Talon(original model) for my CCO. I have both the original and the plus. Like the original better. It is a bear to reholster though. I have quite a few different iwb's and belt slides too. My favorite belt slide is a Galco Avenger. Very old but still in fine shape and very thick leather used on it.
I also have the Mitch Rosen ARG which is alright for when I am dressed up but I don't really care for it that much. Desantis makes nice leather too. Have a belt slide that is my second favorite in that category. Never used the kydex stuff. Leather doesn't get all smelly either. If you don't want to mark the gun up alot used leather. If you don't mind the wear on the gun use kydex. I think a good quality holster of horse hide or heavy leather is the way to go. Very classy too if it is well made. Don't know if that counts for anything. I always carry my gun just behind my right hip. Slight forward cant and pretty darn comfortable. Next purchase is going to be the original Jackass shoulder rig. Keep'em sharp and long live the .45acp.
I have been carrying for nearly 20 years and IWB is a popular choice for me. I found something wrong with most IWB holsters I carried so I designed my own. I tried to get Gordon Davis to make it, but it was too much trouble. I don't know how to make hoslters, I just know WHAT features it needed. I finally found a guy that can do it. Check out this link:

Look at the third holster down, the YCS. Mark shows the pretty version that can also be worn as a pancake. He does good work. The way I have mine done are rough side out without the belt slots cut in the stabilization wings. That was the way it was originally intended to be but as a holster maker Mark wanted to make it pretty and allow the buyer to have 2 carry options. Tell him you talked to me and that I recommend the 'ugly' version. If you have under a 32 inch waist the hoslter may be uncomfortable when made for a large pistol.
Bubba is right on about that ss by sparks, they are good and ive used em for years, but the co told me the other one he mentioned would be better for me,,,,as i sweat like a horse and am goin to a hi humidity area....fubsy. I haven t used the kydex, Ive heard great things about them in the knive world but ive also heard that sand and kydex make for a grinding situation for metal, since i dont carry a belted fixed standard Ive not had a need for one...fubsy.
double post, administrator please remove...tks fubsy., sorry for the work, I shouldnt post before the first cup of coffee....fubsy.

[This message has been edited by fubsy (edited August 14, 1999).]
I carry a 1991A1, and I use two holsters exclusively. For summer wear, I use the Blade-Tech IWB with snap loops and a single mag pouch, and for winter, I use a Rosen ARG, SOS, & belt.
The Kydex will cause some finish wear on the gun, but I'm not concerned about that. It's how it works that's important, not how it looks. Blade-Tech's single mag pouch is neat; you can remove the tension screw, bushing, and O-ring spacer, and it will slip on & off your belt easily, but still remain secure.
If I had the $$, I'd get Mitch Rosen's ARG variant that has the snap loop, and see if I could get some similar arrangement for his SOS. Then I could slip both on & off my belt w/o having to "undress." Were that the case, it's all I would ever need. I live in SC, where the heat & humidity are overwhelming, and I've not had any real problems with leather or Kydex. (Yesterday, it was so humid, you had to be careful not to inhale too deeply or you might drown.) :)
My biggest complaint with leather is that there's no way to keep that lovely "new leather" smell. If someone could figure out how to bottle it and sell it, he'd make a fortune. Shucks, I'd wear it as cologne. It smells better than anything I can think of, with the possible exceptions of Hoppe's #9, popcorn, and a bakery. :D

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
IWB you got to check out www.clipdraw.com I am not
affiliated with these people
but that is the ultimate way
to carry IWB. (Ala Keltec P11
beltclip) Most 1911's are 1.30"
inches thick , with the "clipdraw"
you will not add any more width
to your pistol. Kydex might be your
next choice , (Sidearmor) my dealer
and gunsmith heat mold their own kydex
holsters for any gun $60.00 per. Your
last choice for thin might be a cheap
suede IWB clip-on (Kramer). Uncle Mikes
nylon seems too thick for me. Congrats
on the Kimber Ultra Carry , I am damn
jealous! Keep us posted on the positve
& negative aspects of that sweet piece
of art. Concerning the clipdraw for the Kimber , you will have to get the 1911 officers model version.

If the web site I left is not working ,
just do a search for "clipdraw" you
will eventually find it!

[This message has been edited by SHORTFUSE (edited August 17, 1999).]
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