Greeting TFL Shooters:
The aluminum case used in Blazer cartridges used to be sticky and feed poorly. It used to be a lot of things. Now, through a lot of process improvements, it is coated with a special wax that contains teflon. Feeding is greatly enhanced. Heck, even I remember getting my first .45 (The one I still pack...) and buying a box of the stuff. I only had one magazine that would feed it! I was not happy either. Today things are much improved.
Some old cartridges die hard. So goes it with the "Flying Ashtray" bullet and the Blazer loading of same. The Gold Dot is astoundingly better, but there persists a following for the latter. Sooooooo..... , it is still a product in the Blazer case, and I think very limited in the brass Lawman load. The "Flying Ashtray" is great, if that is what you want. Try the premium Gold Dot, and tell me what you think.
Blazer is great stuff, for what it is intended, and that is non-reloadable low cost plinking and practice ammo loaded inside SAAMI pressure and velocity recommendations. Not many of the commercial reloaders can say that with their fodder.
If feeding is a problem with that bullet (which is notoriously hard to feed) then buy the TMJ or FMJ Blazer version. It should feed like a slick noodle. I haven't run into any semi-auto handguns that won't eat the stuff with vigor.
Blazer ammo or otherwise, remember that the weakest link in the semi-auto feeding chain is the MAGAZINE. Try another mag. Try a new mag. from a reliable source, not the cheap ones. It is my semi-informed opinion that a bad magazine can ruin good data. Throw the damn thing out and start over with a good one.
Hey Slim,...... is that you preaching?
Oops. I was. Good shooting all.
Slim, out.