.45 ACP Sizing question


New member
I just finished up a large quantity of .45RN factory cast bullets I was given. I want to go to a SWC. I got a mold but they are dropping a bit big. Trust me I did try some.

I use LLA on my .357 loaded as cast with good results. I was going to go with the Lee push through sizing kit. Then LLA again for lube.

Isn't the standard one to three thousand'ths over barrel diameter?? Mine barrel slugs right at .450.

Why leave out .453 but they have a .454?? (along with .451 and .452).
I planned on sizing at .453.

What are you all sizing you .45 at??

Thanks in advance.

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My Ruger SR1911 barrel slugged at .4505". I size my bullets down to .452". No sign of leading so far.
I have the Raging Bull in 454, a Redhawk in 45 Colt, a Colt 1911, and 1991 A1, and they all get sized to .452" and no issues what so ever due to the size.

I have had an issue in the first two running the alloy a little soft, but I knew going into it I might. But you never know until you try.

I have used the 45/45/10 lube in them all as well, and in the two ACP's never an issue, one light coat, size, then coat again, load and shoot. The Lee 300RF's I run in the 454 do get a bit heavier coat, but I can't argue with the results.

These are two different loads one with 296 the other using AA-9. The nice tight 1" or so groups are using the 45/45/10, the pattern looking groups was using another lube. These were all fired at 25yds standing with a two hand hold.

Normally in my semi-autos I'll go .002" or so over groove diameter. On some occasions (slightly larger bullets and thick walled brass) .002" over can be a tight fit. I'd suggest trying .542" and try the "plunk test" as chambers can vary slightly. You may have to seat the SWC a but deeper than book OAL to accommodate the full caliber shoulder...
mikld Normally in my semi-autos I'll go .002" or so over groove diameter. On some occasions (slightly larger bullets and thick walled brass) .002" over can be a tight fit. I'd suggest trying .542" and try the "plunk test" as chambers can vary slightly. You may have to seat the SWC a but deeper than book OAL to accommodate the full caliber shoulder...

I think mikld meant .452. .542 would be way large for 45 caliber.
My sizer is .452 and has always worked great in ACP.
I reamed it out to .453 for Colt and so far have had no problems in ACP.
45 ACP groove is 0.452"
Size to that dimension; use alloy no harder that air-cooled wheel-weights (BN~9-10); ...and everything will work fine as the bullet expands itself under pressure to fill the grooves -- whatever that are.

BTW: Lee push-through sizers & LLA work great. (You must lube first before sizing or the bullet will quickly gall while being pushed through the die.) I note that Lee then "advises" a second application after sizing to recoat the now clean surfaces outside the grooves, but you might just find that just the grooves still contain more than enough to do the job w/o a 2nd coat. Try it. It cuts your prep time in half.

As for SWC's and their seating/"crimping", make sure to follow these dimensions:
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your measurements mimic mine almost exactly sept my 45 likes a .469-470 taper .
The #68 is an awesome bullet don't you think ?.
Thanks Stubbicat, but if you had seen the miserable performance I put up weekend before last you would have been tossing tomatoes...:D

When I shot that one I had been at the range almost every weekend for nearly 4 months working with 4 different revolvers. Since then I have been working on catching up on chores at the farm and haven't been shooting 2-400 rounds a weekend. Trust me when I say it DOES make a significant difference in group sizes.

Right now, I would have no issue putting one into the vitals of a deer or feral hog for sure, but a second one, if needed, might not be cutting the same hole.;)
I have a Star Lube-Sizer and size my .45s to .452. No leading and very accurate out of my Model 25, 625 and Colt automatics.

.002 seems to be the best on all calibers I shoot.

Lee 452-200 OAL?

I just started pouring my own lead so I had a supply just in case they started getting hard to get hold of - I hardened the lead with plumbers silver solder hard enough so you can't scratch with a thumbnail but drop them the wrong way and they will dent and scratch - my question is the cartridge over all length if I load these much over 1.10 they do not chamber in my colt series 70 1911 government model.

Is this normal?


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Unfortunately those do not appear to be 45 ACP bullets.
(rather, something more in the 45 Colt line)
What mould are they from ?

Thanks great stuff - just wish I could get an actual number for the OAL - I have been playing with these and looks like I can get them to 1.10 in my Colt - so I am assuming with the reduced area for powder I should back off on my load and go 6 grains of unique for 850 FPS. Was hoping someone else had worked these out.


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