Sorry, forgot to mention the most important thing. It was $19.95 per 50 round box of brass case FMJ. The UMC product number shown on the box is L45AP4. You only had to buy one box to get it at that price but I bought two. (The price around here for UMC in 50 round boxes is usually like $22.95 or higher, if you can find it at all in quantities less than several hundred rounds.) I know you can buy some other brands cheaper than UMC and that you can get a lower price per round for UMC if you buy in large quantities, but I don't shoot that much any more, and UMC is what I've always shot and is reliable, and 50 round boxes is the way I buy it. It's the first time I've ever walked into a Dick's Sporting Goods though, and I didn't go in intending to buy ammo at all; I didn't even know they were into guns and ammo type sports. But I saw this stuff in there at about $2.50 a box less than I thought would be at it's lowest price anywhere around here and picked up a couple of boxes of it.