45-70 mold recomendations??

45-70 molds

The 45-70 is my favorite to cast for just something about dropping those big suckers brings a smile to my face.
My first question would be what are you going to do with it hunt plink or target shoot?If hunting what kind of game?I cast a Lee 340 gr a Lee 405 hollow base and a 500 gr Lee pointed BPCR for mine.It should be noted that most lever guns are limited to flat nosed bullets in the 400 gr range because of OAL issues.The 500 gr has to be loaded single and must be fired because it is too long to extract after it is in the breech.I mostly load them in my 458 Win.Hoping to get a Sharps someday.
Lyman makes molds in 292 gr 330 hollowpoint and 2 in the 400 or 405 range.There are also many companies that cast a 300 that works well.I have some and they will work well for deer and hogs.
I have a Marlin 1895CB with the 26 in barrel its not finicky about what I feed it.
You may well get a lot of different answers, but I use just two molds in the .45-70. One is the Lee 459-500-3R, a pointed 500 grain bullet that I use in the Sharps for BP shooting. The other bullet is also a Lee mold, the 457-405F. This is a 405 grain flat pointed bullet that I use for smokeless loads in my Handi rifle. I push it to about 1500 fps and it works well on our smallish whitetail deer.
Around 400gr is by far the most popular weight.
I have an NOE 405gr RF. Very nice boolit and mold.
I'm still working on the right load, but am getting close.