45-70 different bullet but same weight sight in question ?


New member
This year ,I have both my peep sighted Winchester 1886 and my scoped Ruger #1 sighted in at 100 yards with Federal Fusion 300 grain factory loads but just got a couple boxes of Barnes VOR-TX 300 grain to try and have not had time to sight them in yet ! I am deer hunting this coming weekend and wonder if I should try the Barnes ammo or use the Fusion . Do you think the point of impact would change enough ? They are advertised to be close to the same velocity ! I'm anxious to try the Barnes out and its crunch time....shots are most likely within 100 yards in the wooded area I'm hunting , thanks !
Odds are good that at the distances you're contemplating using the new load that the point of impact won't be different enough to matter, but as you probably also know the only way to be sure is to compare the two on paper at the various distances.
I had 2 different hornady bullets hit at different impacts. 2 brands can change the impact even more. Aim for center of the boiler room if you don't have time to sight in.
A 45-70 with a bonded bullet is a very capable moose killer and you are only shooting deer.
So shoot 3 rounds in your rifles of each load, and zero for the one that shoots best in each gun.

It's not wise of ethical to go out with an un-zeroed gun.
I think it's unethical to hunt with ammo you have not fired to zero.
I have seen two different lots of same make ammo shoot 2" difference at 100 yards. I'm guessing two different makes could have even larger difference. Again, they could or maybe they'll have same point of impact, you'll never know for sure until you test fire some.
Thanks all !

I guess I'll stay with the Fusions this year.....since I have sighted these in and shot plenty of practice rounds , thanks ! Shame to put the Barnes on the shelf this year but it is what it is....normally shoot 405 grain handloads through the 86 but since I got a good deal on a bunch of Fusion ammo I thought I'd try them out !
With the same grain, the point of impact shouldn't be too much different at 100 yards or less. With that said, with 300gr verse 405gr it might be more than expected.

If it were me, I'd put the Barnes on the shelf until I got a chance to figure out where they hit.
If you KNOW you'll get the opportunity to re-zero, shoot a few of the old, then try the new stuff and see if it hits within the same point of impact at the expected range(s). If they could for all intents and purposes be part of the same group, I'd say you're good to go. If not, stick with what you're already sighted in for.