45 / 70 Ammo


I am in Indiana, We can use a rifle during deer season if the shell casing is 1.8 inches or less i have found 44 mags but i have a pair of 45/70 lever actions and I was told that a short round was avail But I have not been able to find one. Has anyone seen such a thing
Haven't heard of one though I suppose you could cut one down .I wonder where they got the 1.8" ??
Never heard of "short 45-70" ammo. If I were you, reach out to a local Game Warden ask them if you can use a 45-70 to find out a definitive answer.
Hornady makes the LeverEvolution cases shorter so that the longer bullets will feed in a lever action. Though the case is still over 2 inches long.
The DNR answered me with " Yes you can use any Rifle 357 or larger as long as the casing is 1.8 inches or less" So my 30-30 is not good the black powder works, and the 44 mag works, but the day after Christmas starts the bonus season and I only have one legal rifle so looks like my son will have the 44 and i will still be using the old Savage ML
As others have stated, you may be able to cut a case down to the legal length but if it were I and I was determined to use that rifle and also keep out of hot water i might cut down a few .33 Winchester cartridge cases to the 1.8" length and I am taking your word that you mean "Case length, not Over All Cartridge length, COL"
If i were to be satisfied with a cartridge I built with a cut down case and i am using a .33 Win as that case might work and not have .45-70 headstamp.
and accuracy is exceptable witch is a long shot with the long chamber and the way it tapers, anyway, say i like how this cartridge preforms, I would then get out a set of metal stamps and stamp this rifle with the name of this cartridge, like say, "45 Porkchop" and then I would carry with the ammunition a recipe card with the case dimensions on it. Now i certainly wouldn't have a box or even a single cartridge or cartridge case for a 45-70 in my vehicle or on my person when using this combination hunting.
I believe the Warden will judge your gun by the markings on it.
My $0.02 :rolleyes:
If I were determined to get the best available, it would be a .40-50 Sharps Bottleneck or a .50-70 Gov't. Yes, those are available, just not cheap.
I believe the Warden will judge your gun by the markings on it.
+1-1/2__ If your stopped by a warden. No doubt about it. Just plain common sense and the simplest way for a Law Enforcement Official to make a judgement call on the spot. Is to look at a weapons factory engravings to determine if the weapon is legal or not. (Not all Law Officials are aware of reloading techniques.)
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I inherited a massive gun collection from my sisters husband who died very young, I have reloading equipment as he reloaded almost all his own shells. But I have no idea what I am doing in that area. I have a couple 45- 70 and 30-30 and a couple more other sizes all Marlin or Winchester they are cool but i can't use them here
Well Bigghooch you are signed on to a place that will be of great help getting you started re-loading. Well thats if you are interested.;)

And as for the gun you are planning on carrying;
and i will still be using the old Savage ML
I can picture a Big Old Hooch look'n just right carrying a Smoke Pole! :)
Best of luck & Safety to you and your son. :)
G Bro

Its Funny you would say that, I hunt with my son, my moms Husband, and my Pastor. I have this Blaze orange hat that has ear flaps and in fur lined and they all get a kick out of it. All of them say I am a true red neck lol I am 6'4" and 330 pounds My Pastor says i look like John Candy in Planes Trains and Automobiles. I have a Savage ML 10 and I do like it, I got a nice doe last week with it, but i do prefer the rifles. I have not thought much of reloading, maybe I will start playing with the stuff, but for now it is just easier to grab a box and hit the woods