.44mag S&W

there is a gun show comming up on the 28th of this month and ive got around 300-350 to spend i know its not much but im gonna try to see what i can get.I was wanting a revolver that i can change barrels i would like to buy one with a 2in now and later get a 5-6in barrel later for the range.So what should i look for ? s&w ruger colt ?? who sells the cheapest and best 44mag with a 2in barrel ?

Thanks in advance
I think the only 2" barrel 44 mag by Smith and Wesson is a Performance Center gun and will cost a lot more than 300-400 dollars. I really can't say about the others.
Only truly field interchangeable barrel (no gunsmith required) revolver that I know of is Dan Wesson. They are good, and tough.

With most revolvers it is quite a trick to get the barrel torque, sight alignment and barrel to cylinder gap all correct at the same time. Piece of cake for a really good smith and a real bugger for mere mortals.

S&W M629 .44MAG Mountain Gun

If I were you, I'd find a local dealer that has one and but it on lay-a-way as in most parts of the country they go for 425-450. I can appreciate
your position but feel that the Dan Wesson is
WAY HEFTY for most folks.

The Mountain gun can be concealed about as well as
a 2" ( read: not that great for either ) and at
39oz.& 4" it handles very well. Some noted pro handgunners refer to it as a modern classic. It's
stainless as well and you won't want a giant tube
hanging out there. If you paln to carry it a snub in a large frame is butt heavy whereas the 4" has more brrl in holster to balance it out.
BTW, the above price is used. A new one would go for around 550 at a non-greedy dealer.ENJOY ! ..
Greeting's All,

Depending on the purpose of course, I would prefer the Smith & Wesson 629 Classic; with a 5" tube. Replace the Hogue rubber
grip's with a set of factory wooden grip's and you should be in

*FootNote- the 5" tube with full underlug helps to tame recoil a
bit, when shooting factory magnum ammunition.

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

I've got a line on a SW 629-3 with a 4" barrel, about 10 years old for about $350.

I also hear that the best 629 to buy is the 629-5.

I plain to shoot mild target loads through it. Lead SWCs and copper plated bullets doing no more than 950 fps.

Is 4" too short for accurate 25 to 50 yard shooting and is that barrel too short?

Could be a good bear gun too!

Greeting's Again JT,

My Smith & Wesson .44 magnum is a 629-5, with a 5" barrel; which would make an excellent "back-up" gun in bear country.
Only problem is finding suitable leather to tote the 5" barrel in?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

The Mountain Guns are an excellent. Another possibility is the 629 3". There are a few of these around, some distributed directly from S&W, some ditributed by Lew Horton. I have one, and like it.

It doesn't go well in your pocket, but can be concealed, particularly under a loose shirt or a light jacket.

I'm by no means a big bore expert, but the bug bit me when I bought a 629-3 4" from a friend. (He sold it to buy a Mountain Gun). This revolver is awesome!

The heft and balance are perfect for me, the trigger was worked into the smoothest I have ever handled, I can effectively double-tap with the right .44 Special loads, and the gun is easily concealable in a Don Hume JIT Slide ($20).

I lusted after a Mountain Gun after reading the praise of them here. But, in handling my friend's gun, I concluded that the weight reduction wasn't viable over the 629-3 I have.

I have also acquired a 629-5 8 3/8", which is a magnificent piece, but sacrifices some versatility over the shorter barrel.

SA Scott

My local gunshop has a .44mag s&w with a 4in barrel and its stainless steel they want 500.00 for it it also comes with a hogue grip from the factory does this sound like a good price for a almost new s&w mountain gun

Thanks Mountain Man,

I appreciate the holster link. I will just have to
order one myself.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
The short barrel .44 Mag revolvers look "sexy" and feel nice, but I really question the loss of performance from a barrel that short. My preference is for 4 inches, in a carry gun. And I durn sure know that you'll feel the recoil with that short cannon!
Hey DOUG and DEP

N frame Smiths go from 375 to 450 depending on the area you live in. I would only pay $500 for one if
it had some collector value and a 4" 629 does not.
That said, if you could get it for $475 OTD it
wouldn't be too bad. I've seen them in our local
tradeing post weekly paper for $400 but you might have to wait awhile. I'd still look for a Mtn.Gun
as the lighter and sexy brrl are a plus, at least to me.

Interesting you brought up .44MAG brrl lenghts as
I ran some last Friday that were interesting.

Load 1- 23.1 grains 4227 under 240gr.XTPs,WWLP
a) S&W 629 3"V-Comp, 1150 fps
b) " " 4" MTN, 1170
c) " pre-29 6 1/2",1265
d) " MagnaClassic 7.5,1480
Load 2- 22 gr.AA39,240 XTPs

a) V-Comp 3" ,1250 fps
b) Mtn.Gun 4" ,1220 ( !
c) pre-29 6.5 ,1285
d) MagnaClassic 7.5" ,1372
I guess what all this means is in a well put together gun 0f 3 OR 4 inches & a 240JHP can be driven to well over 1200 which should cause nice
performance on the object.Hope this wasn't too
'You da' MAN if you really want a gun with that much muzzle jump and recoil. A 2" barrel on a 357 is enough for me. And no I ain't a sissy, a regularly shoot my 454 casull and 480 ruger. Just some food for thought......