I was not sure where to post this question. So I am posting here, Moderators please feel free to move to different page, if needed.
I am looking into purchasing some replica firearms. The ones I am interested in are made for 45 long colt (no problem I have plenty of that) or they are made for 44 WCF. I have not seen that one in any store. I have to figure that is different from 44 mag, or they would list 44 mag. Anyone have any information on that type of 44. Just curious what the difference is and where to find it.
Thank you
I am looking into purchasing some replica firearms. The ones I am interested in are made for 45 long colt (no problem I have plenty of that) or they are made for 44 WCF. I have not seen that one in any store. I have to figure that is different from 44 mag, or they would list 44 mag. Anyone have any information on that type of 44. Just curious what the difference is and where to find it.
Thank you