44 Piettia Brasser charges?


New member
Please don't laugh but I r ally love ke my F44Brasse Colt! Really smooth cycling am
No very accurate @. The 25yard mark!
Ihave been trying not to wreck it by using 20g charges of Pyrodex but I'm still wondering if I shouldn't Hugo even lower ???
I"be tri d 15 gr and it still gave a solid bang and was accurate.
I really would like her to last a long while, so could you guys give your suggestions for some light Pyrodex charges firing lead balls
If I want power, I just load up one of my Remingtons!
Thanks much!
I won't go over 15 and they're pretty wimpy loads. I think most go 18 and some do go 20 but I almost ruined one with 25 so I stay at 15 and just mainly use it for looking at.