I'm a big fan of the Blackhawk in .45 Colt, having used one for the past 30 years. Colt size guns feel "small" to me.
If you don't care for the size and balance of the Blackhawk, have you tried the New Vaquero? (note: the Ruger "Vaquero" was built on the same frame size as the new model Blackawk - the .44 mag size frame. They are discontinued. The Ruger "New Vaquero" is built on a smaller frame size, and is the same approximate size as the Colt SAA, and are currently being produced.)
Also, its important you decide which it is you want, .44Mag or .45 Colt, for standard power loads. You can get .44 mag power in .45 Colt handloads, but only in the big (new model) Ruger Blackhawk. The "Ruger only" power level loads for the .45 Colt were developed back when the big Blackhawk (44 size frame) was the only Ruger .45 Colt. These loads should NOT be used in smaller framed guns, including the "New Vaquero" Ruger.
If, on the other hand, you are fine with sticking to factory level .45 Colt loads, then there are lots of guns out there, including the Colt SAA. Freedom Arms makes an absolutely premium SA, but like the Colt, its well out of your given price range.