.44 Mag Sabot rounds?


New member
Have any of you guys ever heard of these?

I know you can get a .50 Sabot round with a .44 round in it.

Have any of you ever heard of a .44 Sabot round with a .30 or other round in it?
I have some .45 caliber sabots with .35 caliber jacketed bullets in them. They are meant for muzzle loaders.

Remington produced their "Accelerator" rounds, .22 cal slugs in .30 cal sabots in .30-30, .308Win, and .30-06. As far as I know, they are long out of production.

I don't know of anyone currently producing .44 cal sabot ammunition. (or anyone who ever did...)
A .50 cal Sabot round is a muzzle loader projectile. It's not a hand gun cartridge. Don't think there is such a thing as a .44 cal ML rifle.
"Accelerator" rounds were horribly inaccurate. The idea was to 'allow' a guy to use his deer rifle for varmint hunting too. No varmint would care what bullet killed him. Mind you, varmint hunting with your deer load is really good practice for deer season.
this might be better posted into the revolver forum, because any sabot round would probably not work in a semi auto.
However, as to your question, yes, my brother has a Ruger Blackhawk with a .44/38 bobcat convertion. It uses a .44 case with a plastic sabot that holds a .38 bullet.

I posted this thread a long while back:
My brother has a old style Blackhawk that someone modified.

The frame and barrel are .357 but the cylinder chambers have been bored out to .44 mag.
The cases are .44 mag, necked down to .38 with a plastic ring that matches the .44 diameter.

This this shoots with some wallop, but extrememly accurate. I was easily getting two and half inch groups dead on from 15 yards one handed. The gun has pachmyr grips, so it's pretty comfortable to shoot. Of course the gun ends up pretty vertical!

I only have two more boxes of ammo for it, so will want to reload for it.
You can't buy any ammo for this, can you? With a cartridge like this, would I need to resize both the .44 portion of the case and then the .38 portion?
Where would you purchase the plastic ring?
I'ver reloaded lots of straight wall ammo, but not any necked stuff.
Here's the loads I was shooting as he labeled it:
.357/44 Bobcat magnum
140 gr. sierra JHC
22.8 gr H-110
New WW cases OL 1.585"
No idea what velocity these are going out at.