44 cal revolver help


Hey folks, just found your site. Very cool!!!! I have an 1858 44cal Pietta revolver and want to make sure I have correct info on the powder charge. I havent shot this thing in years and just making sure. Im thinking 30-35 grains (or however its measured). I think 35 is the maximum? I will be using pyrodex P powder. Also, can someone tell/show me which nipple wrench they use. Ive had two and I just dont think they are worth a dang. Not sure which brand they are.
Thanks for the cool site.
Most guys with the 1858 Remington replicas will load a maximum of 35gr. "grains" volume but normally load between 20-30gr. for general shooting with either a wonder wad over the powder & then the Ball "or conical bullet" or no wad & have grease covering the chambers after they were loaded.

If you are going for some accuracy shooting then a 20-25gr. powder charge usually gives the best accuracy out to 30 yards.

as far as nipple wrenches go, I usually keep a few of these handy.

Boy, thats the truth. I just now had to do some filing on the two that I had to remove a nipple out of each of the cylinders I have. Got them out though.
Raider, thanks for the reply.
I am new to the BP revolver seen also but I read somewhere that it was impossible to overload a Remington with GOEX FFF powder. I think 40 grn is about max with a wad and seating the ball to clear the front of the frame/barrel. Mind you it would be hard on it and wear it out a lot sooner also.

I have heard that comment about the ROA, but not the repro Remmies. if you have access to one, just compare an ROA to the Remmie, I think you might make up your own mind from a personal comparison. There will be no question once you see the two next to each other.
You can't overload any steel frame bp revolver. I've got an old Rigarmi 58 that's over 30 years old that's had thousands of very heavy loads fired through it. I got it when I was 12 and didn't know squat about bp. I loaded it so full of powder I had to carve the front of the balls off to get the cylinder to turn. All I ever did to it was replace the hand and loading lever. I'm sure both were due to trying to force balls down on too much powder(real bp) and using the hammer to try to force it to turn. Near as I can tell I was using close to 50 grs. of powder. My regular load is 35 grs. now but I still sometimes like to load 40 or more. You can fill a chamber level full of pyrodex and still load a wad and ball. The old gun is still one of my best shooters.
My flask is one that came with the kit and I measured it against an adjustable measure and I think it is 25 grains. I dont use any patches/wads. The balls are .451 and I shave just a touch off when I ram them. Tells me that its pretty much sealed up. I did a lot of shooting when I got it about 10-12 years ago but just needed a little reinforcement on what I needed to be doing. Thanks for the replies. Ill be lurking and trying to offer up any advice/help/suggestions that I can.
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I just got my first BP revolver and plan to shoot it every chance (unfortunately, that won't be a lot for now). But I'd like to hear how it goes for you. Please do more than lurk, and give us some range reports.:)
Hawg Haggen:
WOW you & I are almost alike, my Pietta 1860 has had up to 40gr. Goex charge in its chambers & survived quite well, I now load 28-30gr. Goex because it seams to like this loading in the accuracy/punch department but I too like to get her a little hotter every once in a while just to hear & feel her roar.
45Marlin carbine: That is a great idea, I actually have a buggered up 1/4 6" extension that I could cut the end off of and go to town with my dremel tool. Now why didn't I think of that. duh
Yep. Gotta be a southern thing. Us Yankees seem to like accurate, not loud, loads.
North - 1
South - 0
Game Over