416Rigby's perfect World


New member
Over the weekend, I fell into a deep sleep, and I was transported, by magic to a Perfect World. In many ways, it looked a lot like America, but there were several little factors that made it so,so much better..... Must have been too much Carlo Rossi Burgundy, but here's what I saw, in no particular order......

Gangs were treated as terrorist organizations. Well-regulated groups of citizens would spontanelusly gather and march off to wipe them out of our cities, with the blessing of the people, the media and the politicians. Then, the Enfields, Garands, Win.94s, AR-15s and M700s used to do this good deed would peacefully and without fuss return home with their heroic owners.

Crime was being punished "ad personam". On Sunday talk shows following a tragedy, the topic was "character assassination of the criminal"; and yet, the name of the offender was never mentioned. The hosts didn't want to give them any undeserved celebrity.

Criminal defense lawyers were, in case they lost, held accountable in conjunction with their clients.

Hollywood was given a deal: if you want to lawfully trumpet your anti-gun views, you are first compelled to eliminate all guns and violence from your products. That was when all actors and producers joined the NRA.

Teen-age murderers were all tried as adults. Wannabe nannies of the young thugs were only given the right to hold their hands as they received lethal injection, provided that they were forced to join the victim's family afterwards in an isolated, sound-proof room.

Charles Schumer, Ted Kennedy, Algore and Bill Clinton all dropped politics in favor of a 25-year, worldwide Beatles-Impersonators' tour.

Jesse Jackson also happily retired from politics, opening a successful Scooba-diving shop in Antigua.

The writings of Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Franklin et al were the only documents admissible in the interpretation of the Constitution; passing political fads no longer dictated the outcome of a Supreme Court session.

Janet Reno was sentenced to "impersonate herself for life at the Ripleys Wax Museum".

All newspapers, periodicals and TV programs that did not stick with facts and impartial interpretations were forced to display the following label: "This article (program) contains Liberal opinions, the veradicity of which has been disproven; read or view at your own risk".

Hillary was forced to become an NRA switchboard operator, while being allowed to be in charge of the soda machine in an Eastern Tennessee Truck-stop in her spare time.

Massad Ayoob was President, Charlton Heston was Speaker, and Sheriff Jim Wilson was Attornay General.

Rifle and pistol marksmanship were being offered as curriculum in public schools, with shotgunning for extra credit.

Our moderator, Dennis, shot the last spotted owl in California, and was treated like a VIP by all the major TV talk-shows. ;) It now is beutifully preserved at the Dallas-Fort Worth Outdoor World sporting-good store.

Did any of you ever have similar experiences?


Constitution-RKBA=a weakened document!
Mas for President?

I smell another draft movement on the horizon... :)

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
Funny in all that perfect world stuff I saw no references to scantily clad red headed super models peeling grapes....

oh wait that was MY perfect world.

but seriously militarizing our law enforcement agencies and techniques is what hurts our right to keep and bear arms. Treating "gangs like terrorists" will give your lawmakers MORE imeptus to kick in your doors in no knock raids, charge your property with crimes etc. Hell i'd like to see the authorities START treating gangbangers LIKE criminals instead of "mis-guided" children.

So in this world if the lawyer loses he pays fines or something?? Kinda like killing the messenger isn't it? Ben Franklin once said, innocent people need lawyers, the guilty can lie well enough for themselves.

Bill Clintons post-presidential work should involve sitting in a dunking booth full of human waste. It should tour the country and make stops at battered women's shelters. People staying in the shelters get to throw for free. The public pays a dollar a toss. The proceeds go to teaching ETHICS in public school.

I'm not seeing too much peace and love in the perfect future you've painted. The great thing about america is the HERE you have a constitutional right to be a whacko. You think aliens rape your cows night;y? Fine print a newsletter. You think the moon is made of purina products? Great, start a website. You beliefs differ from mine? WONDERFUL, you HAVE that right. And I'm glad for it.

I don't want to see a world that is all like minded and IN-STEP with what i beleive. Its discourse that allows us to be free.

and I still think there should be some kinda special cabinet post for me and red headed super models, but like I said, that's MY view of a perfect world.

Tounge in cheek,

I didn't!!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Criminal defense lawyers were, in case they lost, held accountable in conjunction with their clients.

Any criminal has the right to a fair trial and to competant representation in court. The attorney should only be held accountable if the defendant is guilty, but he wins in court.
Massad Ayoob was President, Charlton Heston was Speaker, and Sheriff Jim Wilson was Attorny General.

Very interesting line up.

I can just see Heston in session raging against the dems...
"Damn you dirty Dems, Damn you all to Hell!!!!"
hehehe - no one can damn some one like Heston!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud